PATIL, S. S.MALADEVI, H. V2018-05-222018-05-222017-08-08Th-11767 tree is constructed in order to know the ancestral relationship of a set of sequences, designing more effective drugs, tracing the transmission of deadly viruses. It also plays predominant role in conservation of biodiversity, to analyze quantitative behavior of phylogenetic and effective heuristics of obtaining accurate trees. The study has been conducted to know higher accuracy from efficient algorithm to inferring phylogenetic relationship among Mulberry (Morus) species. A total of 609 Morus genome sequences were acquisition from the NCBI dataset. Morus species is the primary host of silkworms (Bombyx mori L.). The productivity and profitability in sericulture solely depends on the quality and yield of mulberry leaves in rearing of silkworms. Different algorithms like Neighborhood joining, UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) and Maximum Likelihood were considered to prepare the phylogenetic tree. The Maximum composite model outperforms highest accuracy whereas NJ with Jukes-Cantor model gives the least. Computational biology of statistical results justifiable were compare the functional relationship between different models in which error percentage been reduced. The same algorithms carried out for the individual species under different models, Neighborhood joining algorithm with Tajima- Nei model gives the adverse classification among all other models, in this model Morus. indica gives the high F- measure value followed by Morus. australis. All other models Morus. rubra gives the best value followed by Morus. celtidifolia.ennullSTUDY ON ANALYSIS OF PHYLOGENETIC TREE OF MULBERRY (Morus) GENOMEThesis