Duhan, B.S.Sanwan, Anurag2017-06-032017-06-032016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810014272Limited information is available on the effect of different sources of S and its levels in conjunction with various organic manures on yield and nutrient uptake by wheat. Keeping these points in view, a screen house and laboratory study (incubation) was planned to achieve these objectives. The pot experiments were conducted in a screen house wherein wheat crop was raised with different levels of S (0, 10, 20, 40 and 60 mg/kg), its sources (elemental S, gypsum, potassium sulphate and pyrite) and also with S levels (through elemental S) in the presence of organic manures to see their effects on yield and nutrient uptake by wheat. The results revealed that the grain yield as affected by various sources and levels of S increased significantly with increasing levels of S over control. The grain yield was found to be significant between 20 and 40 mg/kg S application but further increase in its level from 40 to 60 mg/kg did not influence the grain yield significantly. Amongst various sources of S, the grain yield also didn’t vary significantly. The straw yield improved significantly with increasing levels of S over control. The data on nutrient concentrations and their uptake by wheat grain and straw revealed that the concentration of N was higher at highest dose of S. Similar trend was observed with respect to N uptake in both wheat grain and straw. There were no significant differences in concentration of P in wheat grain due to various sources and levels of S application but in case of straw the P content differed significantly with increasing levels of S over control. The uptake of P in both grain and straw differed significantly with the application of S over control. The content of K in wheat grain decreased significantly at 60 mg/kg S application and its uptake increased significantly with increasing levels of S over control. But in case of straw, K uptake increased with increasing levels of S over control. Sulphur concentration in wheat grain increased significantly with increasing levels of S. Available nutrients NPK in soil after harvest of wheat crop decreased significantly whereas S increased significantly with increasing levels of S. Sulphur application through elemental S in conjunction with organic manures resulted in increase in N and S whereas P and K decreased significantly. Incubation study reveal that on an average, organic S, SO4-S, water and heat soluble S constituted 40.2, 10.0, 9.1 and 16.6 per cent of total S amongst the various treatments over the period of incubation. Total S did not show mark difference between initial and final stage of investigation. Distribution of various S fractions followed the sequence: water soluble S < sulphate S < heat soluble S < organic S < total S.enSulphur levels; sources; wheat yield; nutrient concentrations; uptake, organic manures, forms of S.Effect of Different Sources of Sulphur and Organic Manures on Sulphur Transformation and Wheat CropThesis