Dr. Ranjit Kumar BhattacharyyaBhupen Dev Narzary2024-06-142024-06-141990https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810210459A field experiment was conducted for two years during the rabi season of 1987-88 and 1988-89 in the Experimental Farm, Depart ment of Horticulture, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, to find out the effect of liming and micronutrient applications on the growth, yield and production of carrot ev. Nantes. Ten micronutrient treatments, viz., seed soaking and spraying seedlings with boron (0.01 per cent), molybdenum (0.02 per cent), manganese (0.02 per cent), zine (0.01 per cent) and mixture of B, Mo, Mn and Zn (at above concentrations) each under soils with lime and no lime were against a micronutrient check (control) in a compared and evaluated split-plot design for two years. Out of two main factors, viz., no lime (pH 5.3) and with lime (pH 6.4), carrot grown in soils with lime produced significantly higher, root yield of 3.30 per cent over no lime treatment and increased the plant height, leaf protein, root girth, cortex-core ratio, root protein, TSS-acidity ratio and exhibited higher accumulation of leaf nitrogen, zine and calcium and root nitrogen and calcium. The application of micronutrients showed a profound benefi cial influence on morphological traits of carrot. The highest values in plant height (47.03 em) with seed soaking in zine; number of functio nal leaves (12.56) with seed soaking in mixture of B, Mo, Mn and Zn; root length (18.30 cm) with seed soaking in boron and root girth (14.63 cm) with molybdenum spray were significant. Micronutrient applications considerably increased the root yield. Significantly high root yield of 379.38, 379.01 and 371.04 q per ha were recorded under seed soaking in boron, zine and micronutrient check respectively. The lowest shoot-root ratio of 0.57 and the highest value in harvest index of 0.63 were recorded under seed soaking in micronutrient mixture and boron respectively. The root quality in respect of cortex-core ratio, TSS, TSS acidity ratio, reducing sugars, ß-carotene and proteins were found to be significantly influenced by application of micronutrients.Significantly high values were recorded in cortex-core ratio (0.71) under molybdenum spray; TSS (9.32 per cent) and protein (13.83 per cent) under seed soaking in boron; TSS-acidity ratio (53.67) under manganese spray; reducing sugars (2.76 per cent) under seed soaking in micronutrient mixture; and 3-carotene (310.7 mg/g) under seed soaking in molybdenum. Leaf concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, moly bdenum, manganese, zine and total chlorophyll were significantly increased due to application of micronutrients. The highest leaf content of nitrogen (6.97 mg/g)in seed soaking in boron; phosphorus(4.51 mg/g) in molybdenum spray; total chlorophyll (2.01 mg/g) and calcium(14.885 mg/g) in boron spray; molybdenum (1.69 mg/g) in both seed soaking and spraying with molybdenum; manganese (0.502 mg/g) in micronutrient mixture spray and zine (0.416 mg/g) in manganese spary were recorded. The leaf concentration of potassium was, however, found to be decreased with micronutrient applications and the lowest of 39.08 mg/g was recorded in micronutrient mixture spray. The interaction effects of liming and micronutrient applications on growth of carrot was highly significant. The highest shoot length (48.87 cm) was recorded under seed soaking in micronutrient mixture and with lime. The number of functional leaves was, however, recorded the highest (13.00)under seed soaking in micronutrient mixture and with no lime. The top-weight was recorded the highest (82.89 g/ plant) in the interaction of seed soaking in boron and no lime. The highest value recorded in root length (18.50 cm) under seed soaking in boron and with lime; root girth (16.56 cm) under molybdenum spray and with lime; root weight (124.20 g) under micronutrient check (control) and with lime and the lowest value in shoot-root ratio (0.50) under seed soaking in boron and with lime were significant. The difference in root yield due to interaction effects were highly significant. The highest root yield of 413.96 q per he was recorded under interaction of micronutrient check and with lime closely followed by 402.79 and 398.57 q per ha under seed soaking in zine and no lime, and seed soaking in boron and no lime respectively. The high est value in harvest index (0.65) was recorded in the interaction of micronutrient check and with lime. The leaf concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, molybdenum, manganese, zinc, total chlorophyll and protein were significantly increased due to liming and micronutrient interactions. The highest leaf concentration of nitrogen (7.03 mg/g) under Seed soaking in boron and with lime; phosphorus (4.80 mg/g) underEnglishEffect of Liming And Micronutrient Application on Growth Yield And Production of CarrotThesis