Peter, K VGeetha, P TKAU2020-01-162020-01-161989 present studies "Heterosis and genetic analysis involving isogenic lines in brinjal resistant1 to bacterial wilt" were initiated during May 1988 and evaluation trial conducted during October 1988 to March 1989 in the vegetable research plots of Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara. Evaluation of nine parental lines and six F1 hybrids revealed considerable variation for many of the economic characters. Phenotypic coefficient of variation was maximum for fruits/ plant. High heritability along with high estimate of genetic advance was also observed for fruits plant. The F^ hybrids SM 6 - 6 x SM-132 and SM 6-2 x Pusa Purple Cluster were promising and were resistant to bacterial wilt. Genetic distance was maximum between SM 6 - 6 and. Arka Kusumkar. Significantly positive correlation was observed between yield and plant height, primary branches/plant, percentage of productive flowers and total fruits/plant. The yield had a negative association with days to first fruit set, average fruit weight and average, fruit volume. i Path analysis revealed that primary branches/plant had the maximum direct effect on yield. Plant height had the maximum indirect effect through primary branches.ennullHeterosis and genetic analysis involving isogenic lines in brinjal resistant to bacterial wiltThesis