Gopinathan Unnithan, V KLaly John, CKAU2020-06-122020-06-121984 genotypic stability analyses of Eberhart and Russell (1966), Perkins and Jinks (1968), Freeman and Perkins (1971), Wricke (1966) and Shukla (1972) were studied in detail. The mistakes in the analysis of variance of Perkins and Jinks (1968) were corrected. The first three analyses which used the theory of regression explains a large part of the genotypic environment interaction. On the otherhand, when the regression cannot explain a large part of the genotype - environment interaction, Wrioke's ecovalence ratio and Shukla's stability variance could satisfactorily be used.ennullComparison of different techniques for the estimation of genotype-environment interactionThesis