Prakash, SatyaKumari, Shweta2018-05-192018-05-192017 of Wheat Intensification (SWI) is a synergistic management technique involving a few components of wheat farming such as planting, irrigation, weeding, nutrient management and seed treatment. The management practices under SWI provide better conditions for growth of wheat crop particularly in the root zone than those plants grown under traditional or conventional wheat farming. Seed treatment or seed priming generally improves germination and helps in early emergence of seedlings. Maintaining controlled plant density is the crucial part in wheat cultivation. Most of the SWI recommendations are of maintaining wider spacing with less number of seeds per hill. OBJECTIVES OF INVESTIGATION: 1. To explore the socio-economic and demographical profile of adopters and non-adopters of SWI. 2. To assess the level of knowledge about SWI of adopters and non adopters. 3. To ascertain the perception and attitude of selected respondent about SWI. 4. To find out reasons of non-adoption partial adoption and adoption of packages and practices related with SWI. Thahara, Morsand, Indrawara and Sarangpur villages were selected from Pusa and Morwa block respectively of Samastipur district. The total numbers of respondents were 60 out of 30 were adopters and 30 were non-adopters. Collection of data through interview method. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. Statistical tools frequency and percentage were used for analysis of the data. The analysis revealed that among the adopters, nearly 50 per cent of them belong to young age group, while among non-adopters 40 per cent belongs to old age group. It is also revealed that nearly 40 percent of adopters were from BC category, whereas 36.67 per cent of non-adopters were from BC category. 63.34 per cent of adopters were farming as occupation but among non-adopters 73.33 per cent were farming as occupation. Majority of the adopters, 65 per cent were found to have studied beyond high school and graduation, while 50 per cent non-adopters were educated beyond high school and graduation. Among adopters, nearly 70 per cent were small and marginal farmers, and among non-adopters 70 per cent were marginal and medium farmers. In case of adopters, nearly 60 per cent had income ranging from 1.5 to 2 lakh rupees i.e. medium to high whereas 80 per cent non-adopters had very low to low income. Among the adopters, 30 per cent were not a member of any organization and 50 per cent were member of one organization whereas 60 per cent respondents of non-adopters were not a member of any organization and 33 per cent were member of one organization. Both among adopters and non-adopters nearly 80 per cent respondents were utilized pumping set for irrigation purpose. Localite interpersonal information source were ‘often’ or ‘sometimes’ utilized by majority of respondents from both samples. But among adopters contact with scientist was most among all under ‘most often’ category. With respect to knowledge of various components of SWI technology found that 50-80 per cent respondents of adopters had medium to high level knowledge, but in case of non-adopters 40 per cent respondents had medium to high level knowledge. Among adopters 42.67 per cent had strongly agree and 3.56 per cent had strongly disagree perception, but in case of non-adopters 35.33 per cent of respondents had strongly agree and 8.67 per cent had strongly disagree perception. Among the adopters, 50 per cent had favourable attitude. But among non-adopters 40 per cent had unfavourable attitude. With respect to adoption of SWI technology majority of adopters were found to be ‘medium adopting’ i. e. 50 per cent whereas in case of non-adopters 60 per cent of respondents had low level of adoption.ennullEnhancing Wheat Productivity through SWI:A Impact Study of Samastipur DistrictThesis