Dr. P. CHANDRASHEKARAREDDYUSHA RANI, B.M2019-06-212019-06-212007-09-17Th-8900http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810109540The ability of plants to tolerate drought conditions is crucial for agricultural production worldwide. To meet the growing demand for food there is a need to increase crop resistance to various abiotic stresses. One of the viable approaches for crop improvement towards abiotic stress tolerance is by genetic engineering. Stress specific transcription factors bring about coordinated expression of stress responsive genes involved in stress adaptation. ANAC102 is one of the stress responsive gene belongs to NAC group of transcription factors. The transgenics expressing NAC gene were earlier developed by in planta transformation method. In this approach To plants chimeric and putative ANAC102 were identified in the Ti generation. We had screened 96 Ti ANAC102 plants by Polymerized Chain Reaction. We got 30 positive plants. These 30 plants were further characterized by two approaches. In the first approach T2 ANAC102 plants were screened by PCR .Amongst the 136 plants screened 50 were PGR positives. Out of these 6 plants subjected to RT-PCR analysis these transgenic lines showed higher ANAC102 transgene expression compared to wild type by using gene specific primers. These plants have also shown high chlorophyll content and high cell viability compared to control. The pod weight and pod yield was also high in transgenic plants compared to wild type. Second approach is Antibiotic based intermediate screening of T2 ANAC102 groundnut seedlings. Seedlings showing resistance to Kanamycin were sown under transgenic facility. Out of 40 plants selected 36 plants found positive with gene specific primers and 30 plants found positive with nptll primers. Selected plants observed for stress tolerance had shown higher chlorophyll content, more cell viability, less membrane leakage and less water loss compared to wild type plants. These promising lines should be analyzed further generation for the drought tolerance.ennullSELECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NAC TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR IN TRANSGENIC GROUNDNUT {Arachis hypogaea L.)Thesis