D.K. GanguliYogendra Prasad2024-07-122024-07-122000https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211845The present investigation was carried out on thirty groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) genotypes belonging to fastigiata group. The material was sown in three replications in randomized block design during Kharif season of 1999. The plant character studied were days to first flowering days to 50 percent flowering, height of the main axis number of primary branches, number of pods per plant , shelling percentage, percentage of sound mature Kernel , 100- Kernal weight , pod yield per plant and harvest index. The observed data were analysed and genetic parameters viz. variability, heritability (broad sense) genetic advance, correlation coefficient and path coefficient were estimated. Analysis of variance for all the above quantitative characters revealed highly significant differences among the thirty genotypes. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variability could be recorded for height of main axis , number of primary branches, number of pods per plant ,100-Kernel weight, pod yield per plant and harvest index, pod yield per plant, height of main axis and number of pod per plant. Pod yield per plant was found to be positively and significantly correlated with number of primary branches , number of pods per pant and harvest index. However, its association was significantly negative with height of main axis both at phenotypic as well as genotypic levels. Path coefficient analysis indicated high positive direct effect of number ofEnglishStudy of Variability, Correlation And Path Analysis In Some Fastigiata Genotypes of Groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea L.)Thesis