Dr. M. K. JhalaAMIT GABA2017-10-072017-10-072004http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810032497Infectious bursal disease (IBD), an economically important infectious viral disease of poultry is caused by Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) belonging to Avibirnavirus genus of Birnaviridae family. The disease causes considerable morbidity and mortality mainly by immunosuppression. The re-emergence of IBD in variant or highly virulent form in different parts of the world including India during the last couple of decades, have demanded further research efforts in understanding the added complexicity of the disease process and the means to diagnose and control it. At present, the disease is controlled by the combined use of live virus and inactivated oil emulsion vaccines.enVeterinary MicrobiologyAnalysisISOLATION OF INFECTIOUS BURSAL DISEASE VIRUS (IBDV) IN CELL CULTURE, DETECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION BY RTPCR/ SSCP ANALYSISThesis