Alexander, DSadanandan, NVikraman Nair, RKAU2019-07-152019-07-151976Agricultural Research Journal of Kerala, 14(1), 21-26. field experiment was conducted in the red loam soils of the farm attached to the College of Agriculture, Vellayani during November 1972 to March 1973 to study the effect of methods of nitrogen application on nitrogen uptake of three sweet potato varieties i, e. H 41, H42 and Kottaranchola. The results showed that nitrogen uptake was markedly affected by methods of application. Uptake was more when nitrogen was applied in two split doses., i. e. half at planting and the remaining half as foliar spray 35 days after planting. Full basal application resulted in the lowest uptake of nitrogen. It was also observed that there was a translocation of considerable portion of nitrogen from vines to developing tubers.ennullStudies on the effect of methods of nitrogen application on mineral uptake of high yielding sweet potato varietiesArticle