Dr. N. B. ChauhanAmitkumar P. Shukla2018-01-082018-01-082016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810038965Mobile technology has quickly become the world’s most common way of transmitting information in forms of voice, video, animated messages, photographs, written messages, maps, various data and services in the developing world. Given this dramatic change, mobile applications in general and mobile applications for agricultural and rural development in particular hold significant potential for advancing development. The mobile technology provides the most affordable ways for millions of people to access information, markets, financial and governance systems previously unavailable to them. The mobile phones have many key advantages like, affordability, wide ownership, voice communications and instant and convenient service delivery. As a result, there has been a global explosion in the number of mobile applications, facilitated by the rapid evolution of mobile networks and by the increasing functions and falling prices of mobile handsets. Considering the popularity and the usefulness of mobile technology in transfer of technology in rural IndiaenAgricultural ExtensionStudyVIEWS OF EXTENSION EDUCATIONISTS REGARDING APPLICATION OF MOBILE TECHNOLOGY IN TRANSFER OF AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONSThesis