Ramkumar, C.Thirunavukkarasu, D.Narmatha, N.Sivakumar, K.TANUVAS2019-09-272019-09-272017http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810129563TNV_TH_2017_MVN15017Goat farming is one of the important livelihood options for unprivileged sections of rural society. Traditional goat fanning is in transition to intensified goat farming in the post liberalised era. This necessitates to analyse the status of intensified goat farming in Tamil Nadu. The study was conducted in North Western Zone of‘ Tamil Nadu.en-USVeterinary ScienceVeterinary Extension EducationG0AT FARMNG PRACTICES IN NORTH WESTERN ZONE OF TAMIL NADU WlTH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO lNTENSlFlCATlONThesis