Dr. Debashis RoyVAIBHAV ARYA2024-02-102024-02-102021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810206796Department of Animal Nutrition Sardar VallabhBhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut Student Name : Vaibhav Arya ID No. : 3139 Advisor : Dr. Debashis Roy Degree : MVSc (Animal Nutrition) Thesis Title: “Formulation of area specific mineral mixture for Meerut district and effect of its supplementation on the performance of buffalo heifers” ABSTRACT Present study was conducted to formulate the area specific mineral mixture (ASMM) for Meerut district and its subsequent supplementation to buffalo heifers to observe the effect on performance and blood biochemical parameters. Total 140 feed samples, 120 fodder samples, 105 water samples, 58 milk samples, 51 blood samples and 29 soil samples were collected randomly from all the 12 blocks of Meerut districts. After processing, the samples were analysed for different macro and micro elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) instrument (instrument name MY2015CQ05 of Agilent Technologies). Among the feeds, wheat bran was found deficient in copper by 15%. Both copper and zinc content in Mustard oil cake was found marginal. Copper was deficient in bajra fodder, berseem fodder and jowar fodder by 7.5%, 30% and 29.3%, respectively. Sugercane top, bajra fodder, berseem fodder and jowar fodder were found deficient in zinc by 7.3%, 14.67%, 5% and 2%, respectively. Copper and zinc were also found deficient in blood sample by 15.38% and 1.25%, respectively whereas animal milk samples were deficient in copper by 66.67%. Thus, an ASMM was formulated which was fortified with extra copper and zinc over and above BIS type I specification. 18 Murrah buffalo heifers were randomly divided into three groups (T1, T2 and T3) of six animals each on the basis of body weight. Control or T1 groups of animals were fed with basal diet composed of wheat straw, chaffed green berseem fodder and compounded concentrate mixture at a ratio of 35:40:25 with no mineral mixture supplementation. T2 group of animals were supplemented with ASMM whereas T3 group of animals were supplemented with BIS type I mineral mixture along with basal diet. Growth performance, haematological and blood biochemical parameters were analysed. Fortnightly bodyweight gain and average daily gain were found significantly higher (P<0.05) in ASMM and BIS type I mineral mixture supplemented animals than control. Body condition score was found significantly higher in ASMM supplemented animals than control. Digestibility and digestible nutrient intake of crude protein, ether extract, nitrogen free extract, neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre were also not affected by supplementing mineral mixture. Average haemoglobin, PCV, RBC, Lymphocyte and monocyte (%) value increased in mineral supplemented animals than control. TLC and neutrophil (%) reduced in mineral supplemented animals than control. Plasma glucose, total protein, albumin and total immunoglobulin values were found to be more in mineral supplemented animals. Antioxidant assay revealed that super oxidase dismutase, catalase and total antioxidant activities were higher in mineral supplemented animals than control. Thio-barbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) activity was decreased in mineral supplemented animals than control. In conclusion, ASMM prepared for Meerut district by fortifying copper and zinc improved growth performance, haematological status and antioxidant activities of Murrah buffalo heifers without adversely affecting blood metabolites and liver function. (Debashis Roy) (Vaibhav Arya) Advisor AuthorEnglishFORMULATION OF AREA SPECIFIC MINERAL MIXTURE FOR MEERUT DISTRICT AND EFFECT OF ITS SUPPLEMENTATION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF BUFFALO HEIFERSThesis