Rao, R. GovindaTANUVAS2019-12-262019-12-261981http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810138832TNV_Cheiron_1981_10(3)_127-129The values of haemoglobin in poultry determined by various investigators ranged from as low as 6.56 g.% to as high as 18.6g.%. The variation may be due to physiological factors such as age,sex, nutritional and environmental factors (Bankowski, 1942) and also due to the variations in the methods of determination (Sturkie, 1965).en-USVeterinary ScienceVeterinary PhysiologyA Comparative Evaluation of the Acid Haematin Method of Haemoglobin Estlmatlon in Fowl BloodArticle