NAGAMALLESWARI, YAMANI(MAJOR)RAJU, N.K.B.HARIKRISHNA, N.V.VSWETHA, NANDAGARI2018-06-152018-06-152016-12 The present study was conducted on the prenatal development of pancreas in sheep foetuses of age 37 to 122 days of gestation. Morphologically pancreas was undifferentiated from 37 days (0.7CRL) to 43 days (3.7CRL) old foetuses. At 38 days of gestation (CRL- 1.5 Cm) histologically dorsal pancreatic lobe was present towards the duodenum and the ventral lobe towards liver. In the pancreatic primordia, ductules were also present, lined by single to double layered cuboidal cells by leaving a wide lumen and few endocrine cells were differentiated in 44 days. During 51 to 52 days of gestation, round bulb like acini without lumen were closely adhered to the ductules. At 55 days, the developing lobules were located towards the periphery of the pancreatic parenchyma. In 61 days, initiation of the interlobular septa with collagen and reticular fibres and islet groups with blood cells were observed in the parenchyma. Nerve fibres were evidently surrounding the forming lobules and also in the interlobular connective tissue in 74 days of foetal pancreas. In 80-84 days , duct system was clearly noticed in the developing exocrine part, intralobular and interlobular ducts lined by cuboidal cells. During 87 to 90 days, developing islets of varying sizes were noticed at the periphery of lobules as well as in the interlobular connective tissue and were separated from the acini by a thin connective tissue capsule At 90 days the apical surface of acinar cells contained cytoplasmic granules and centroacinar cells were distinctly appeared in some lobules with euchromatic nucleus. At 122 days of gestation, lobules were more obvious divided by a thick connective tissue septa and cluster of endocrine cells were surrounded by blood islands which might be the future sinusoids. Histochemical studies revealed that the acinar cells in the lobule expressed moderate reaction for some neutral mucopolysaccharides. Some of the differentiated acini at periphery of the lobule expressed the reaction in 80 to 90 days. Few cells present at the terminal portions of exocrine acini of pancreas were immunologically reactive to insulin antibody. These cells appeared to be beta (β) cells at 90 days. In 122 days immunologically reacted cells against insulin antibody were present between exocrine portions within the lobule.ennullDEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES ON PANCREAS IN SHEEP FOETUS (Ovis aries)Thesis