K.P. CHINNASWAMYR. LAKSHMINARASIMAPPA2019-05-192019-05-192007-09-17http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810103822Field experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of pruning practices for maximization of mulberry leaf productivity under UAS Seri Suvama technology on growth and yield of Ms mulberry variety and the silkworm B. mori L. in relation to rearing performance in rainfed condition at Department of Sericulture, UAS, GKVK, Bangalore during the year 2004-05. The results indicated that mulberry growth parameter viz., number of branches and leaves, leaf yield, leaf moisture, chlorophyll a, b content, total chlorophyll content, total soluble sugar and protein content NPK, Ca, Mg and S content were influenced by the pruning practices. However, pruned crop shows 90 cm height more / higher of all the above parameters which is followed by pruning at 60 cm, 30 cm bottom pruning, 90, 60 and 30 cm with normal shoots as compared to non-UAS Seri Suvarna.ennullPRUNING PRACTICES FOR MAXIMIZATION OF MULBERRY LEAF PRODUCTIVITY UNDER UAS SERI SUVARNA TECHNOLOGY AND REARING PERFORMANCE IN RAINFED CONDITIONThesis