Dr. M. SHANTHI PRIYAINUKOLLU PRAVEEN KUMAR2024-04-242024-04-242024-04-24D6547https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208365The present investigation was conducted at Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Perumallapalle, Tirupati during rabi, 2021 to characterize pearl millet inbred lines for DUS traits and to identify potential germplasm lines by estimating genetic parameters (variability, heritability and genetic advance), genetic divergence, character association and path coefficient. DUS characterization of 70 pearl millet genotypes using 28 DUS traits revealed existence of abundant diversity for these characters. In the present studied pearl millet inbred lines appreciable differences were observed for the traits viz., anthocyanin pigmentation, leaf sheath length, leaf blade length, leaf blade width, spike stigma pigmentation, anther colour, plant node pubescence, number of nodes plant-1, node pigmentation, internode pigmentation, spike length, anthocyanin pigmentation of glume, spike bristle, spike bristle colour, bristle appearance, spike girth, number of productive tillers plant-1, plant height, spike shape, spike-density, seed color, seed shape and 1000 seed weight. Based on the DUS descriptors inbred lines were characterized effectively which would be useful for their documentation and registration. These descriptors would aid in explicit identity of inbred lines and help in maintenance of their purity in field for use in future breeding programmes. The analysis of variance carried out among 70 germplasm lines for 21 yield and yield attributes revealed significant differences for all the characters indicating the presence of considerable amount of genetic variability for the characters in the studied material. The characters such as grain yield plant-1, 1000 grain weight panicle weight, green fodder yield plant-1, dry fodder yield plant-1 and harvest index showed higher estimates of PCV and GCV indicating ample amount of variation among germplasm lines for these traits. Thus, direct selection for these traits would result in further improvement of grain yield. High xix heritability coupled with high genetic advance as per cent of mean was observed for days to 50 % flowering, spike length, spike girth, number of productive tillers plant-1, plant height, 1000 grain, panicle weight, green fodder yield plant-1, dry fodder yield plant-1, threshing percentage, harvest index and grain yield plant-1 indicating the predominance of additive gene action and direct selection would be effective for improvement of these traits. D2 analysis grouped 70 inbred lines into 12 clusters. Among all the characters studied, 1000 grain weight, days to 50% flowering and number of productive tillers plant-1 contributed relatively maximum towards the total genetic divergence. Inter cluster distance was observed maximum between cluster VI and XII followed by cluster X and XII, cluster III and XII and cluster IV and XII representing that germplasm lines belonging to these clusters are more divergent. Correlation studies revealed that characters viz., panicle weight followed by green fodder yield plant-1, dry fodder yield plant-1, number of productive tillers plant-1, spike girth, plant height, leaf blade length, number of nodes plant-1, 1000 grain weight, spike length, harvest index, threshing percentage, leaf blade width and specific leaf area at 45 DAS had significant positive association with grain yield plant-1 indicating simultaneous selection of these traits would result in improvement of grain yield. Further, path analysis estimates in the present investigation revealed that panicle weight followed by threshing percentage, green fodder yield plant-1 had true relationship with grain yield plant-1 by establishing significant positive association and high positive direct effect on grain yield plant-1. Low residual effects at both phenotypic and genotypic level demonstrated that choice of traits in the present study were able to explain most of the effects on grain yield. Superior inbred lines PPBi-3, PPBi-46, PPBi-47, PPBi-50 and PPBi-59 identified in the present study could be utilized for the development of composites.EnglishDUS CHARACTERIZATION AND DIVERSITY ANALYSIS OF INBRED LINES IN PEARL MILLET (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.)Thesis