Bhatia, Jitender KumarRahman, Jawid Rahmani2021-12-062021-12-062021-09 present study was undertaken to analyse the growth rate in area, production and productivity and cost of cultivation as well the growth rate in export and import of potato in the India and Afghanistan. Data regarding input use, yield attained and input output prices were collected from 60 sample farmers i.e., 30 from India and 30 from Afghanistan. The secondary data pertaining to area, production, productivity, import and export was collected for a period of 20 years (2000-2019) from various published sources. The study revealed that area, production and productivity of potato in the world grew at a compound growth rate of -0.53, 1.13 and 1.67 per cent per annum. In India the area, production and productivity of potato grew at a growth rate of 3.17, 4.76 and 1.53 pe cent per annum. And for Afghanistan the growth was 5.23, 4.76, -0.83 per cent annually, respectively. The growth rate analysis of export and import of potato show that the growth rates of export and import at the world level shows that export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value grew at a compound growth rate of 3.18,6.77, 3.46 and 6.42 per cent per annum, respectively. In India, export quantity and export value grew at a compound growth rate of 15.58 and 21.44 per cent per annum. In Afghanistan the export quantity, export value, import quantity and import value grew at a compound growth rate of 0.45, 19.51, 25.10 and 29.17 per cent per annum, respectively. The total cost of cultivation of potato in India and Afghanistan worked out was ₹166449 per ha and Afs 259171 per ha. The gross return obtained were ₹ 254710 per ha in India and Afs 491794 per ha in Afghanistan. Thus, a B:C ratio of 1.51 and 1.90 was found for India and Afghanistan, respectively.EnglishAn economic analysis of potato cultivation in India and AfghanistanThesis