Arjun SinghKarambir Singh2016-11-242016-11-242007 study was undertaken in Karnal district of Haryana with the objectives (i) To work out the costs and returns of garlic production (ii) To calculate the marketing costs and margins (iii) To study the fluctuations in the prices of garlic. The total cost of cultivation of garlic was found rupees 39,891 per acre. The returns over variable cost were rupees 36942. The net returns after deducing all costs were observed rupees 22,656. The cost of production per quintal was calculated as Rs. 1,099.5. It was quite a remunerative crop. The producer’s share was revealed 68.41 percent of total consumer’s price. Quite a lot went to intermediaries as margins of rupees 495 (19.64 per cent) excluding costs. The seasonal indices of price and arrivals were calculated using 12 months moving average method. The highest price received was in October whereas lowest price indices was seen in January. The increasing trends in prices and arrivals were observed over 15 year period from 1991 to 2005 year. Exponential function was preferred over linear function for better fit. The garlic crop being remunerative needed promotion by all means.enAn Economic analysis of garlic production and marketing in Karnal District of HaryanaThesis