BHALLA, RAJESHSHARMA, YAMINI2021-10-072021-10-072021-10 The present investigations entitled ‘Studies of lawn grass mixtures on turf establishment under mid hill conditions of H.P.’ was carried out at the experimental farm of Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, (HP) during 2020-21. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with twelve treatments planted in three replications. Lolium perenne took minimum days for germination and turf establishment. A combination of 50% Agrostis stolonifera + 20% Festuca rubra + 20% Lolium perenne + 10% Cynodon dactylon and 50% Agrostis stolonifera + 15% Festuca rubra + 20% Cynodon dactylon + 15% Lolium perenne required minimum number of mowings. Minimum weed count was observed in a plots with Cynodon dactylon (40%) + Festuca rubra (20%) + Lolium perenne (20%) + Agrostis stolonifera (20%). Variations in turf colour was observed in the months of November, 2020 to March, 2021 when the colour changed to yellow green to orange white in plots with Cynodon dactylon only. Maximum score for visual texture was observed in a treatment of 50% Agrostis stolonifera + 20% Festuca rubra + 20% Lolium perenne + 10% Cynodon dactylon. Maximum score for turf spread was obtained by treatment having combinations of Cynodon dactylon (40%) + Festuca rubra (20%) + Lolium perenne (20%) + Agrostis stolonifera (20%). Minimum diseases and insect-pest incidence was observed in a treatment of Cynodon dactylon. Turf grass mixture containing 50% Agrostis stolonifera + 20% Festuca rubra + 20% Lolium perenne + 10% Cynodon dactylon performed the best and was most presentable throughout the year.EnglishSTUDIES OF LAWN GRASS MIXTURES ON TURF ESTABLISHMENT UNDER MID HILL CONDITIONS OF H.P.Thesis