Dr. R. SwarnkarGurav Divyabharati manik2023-04-032023-04-032021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810196038Sugarcane is propagated through whole stalk or vegetative cutting known as “sett”. Each sett contains one or more buds. The sugarcane planting could be done by method of flat planting, furrow planting or ring –pit planting. The sugarcane sett planting process involves stages : harvesting of seed cane , de-trashing,sett cutting ,seed treatment, transport to the planting area and planting into soil; which includes the furrow opening ,fertilizer application sett distribution in the furrow and closing of furrow .Semi mechanized method uses of sett cutter –planter ,operation of layout preparation ,cutting sett, fertilizer application ,spraying of chemical and covering sett are combined together .But harvesting ,de-trashing and feeding whole canes to machine are performed manually.EnglishDESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF BULLOCK DRAWN SINGLE ROW SUGARCANE PLANTERThesis