Dr. N. J. ArdeshnaPANSARA TRUPTIBEN DEVAJIBHAI20101200952024-01-012024-01-012023-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810205221As India occupies top position in total production among guava growing countries, it is pertinent to recognize potential markets for guava and guava product exports from India for increasing farmers’ income. The study on “Export Performance and Direction of Trade of Guava and Its Product from India” was undertaken with the specific objectives to assess the growth dimensions, instability, sources of growth and variability, direction of trade, export competitiveness, factors influencing the exports of major vegetable products and forecasting of future exports. The secondary data on volume and value of guava and guava product exports from India were collected for 20 years from the year 2002-03 o 2021-22. The data were analyzed using compound growth rate, coefficient of variation, Cuddy Della Valle index, Hazell’s decomposition analysis, first order Markov chain model. Among export volume, value and price the highest compound growth rate was noticed in export value in both guava (76.59%) and guavas fresh or dried (125.34%) while the highest instability was observed in export price in case of guava (316.98%) and guavas fresh or dried (331.94%). Risk assessment revealed that none of the countries were recorded in high growth rate and low risk category which is highly preferable category in guava and guavas fresh or dried requires more concentrated efforts towards shifting them from less desirable category. The results of decomposition analysis revealed that for guava exports, the contribution of change in mean export price (161.65%) in Period I, while the change in mean export quantity (144.72%) in Period II and for guavas fresh or dried the contribution of interaction between changes in mean export quantity and mean export price covariance (278.7%) in Period I, while the change in mean export quantity (112.54%) in Period II was the highest among the components of change in the average export value. The results of Markov chain analysis revealed that Other Countries (Indonesia, Sudan, Yemen Republc, Kuwait, Tanzania, Malasia, etc.), Saudi Arabia, UK, USA and UAE were found the most stable market and Netherland remained the most unstable market for guava export. Nepal was found the most stable market, Kuwait was the moderately stable market and UAE and Netherland was the most unstable market in case of guavas fresh or dried. The predicted shares of major importers of guava and guavas fresh or dried reveal that, quantity of guava export for countries like Netherland, UAE and Other Countries are expected to increase while quantity exported to Saudi Arab, USA and UK are expected to decline from the year 2021-22. On the other hand for guavas fresh or dried forecasting reveal that quantity of guavas fresh or dried export to UAE and Other Countries will rise and quantity exported to Nepal, Saudi Arab, Netherland and Kuwait will declineEnglishEXPORT PERFORMANCE AND DIRECTION OF TRADE OF GUAVA AND ITS PRODUCT FROM INDIA 3737Thesis