Theertha Prasad, DSALARI, ALI2019-03-082019-03-082007-08-13Th-8585 fruit is an important source of micronutrients. Lycopene is a very efficient antioxidant, neutralizes - the reactive oxygen species derived from free radicals. Twenty eight varieties of tomato plants were grown following the standard cultivation package for tomato used. In the present study, highest Iycopene content was present in variety Ruchi (105.41lJg/g) and minimum concentration of Iycopene was found in variety Tomato Stone (10.53lJg/g). In case of ~-carotene, ~-cryptoxanthin, Zeaxanthin and a-carotene, the highest value was recorded in variety Ruchi (103.78, 109.35, 108.47 and 98.40 lJg/g). Single Marker Analysis revealed that OPC4950and OPC4300 were putatively associated with lycopene with positive Parameter Estimate. For the 0carotene, OPC 4950 and OPC 4300,contributed more than 47% with positive Parameter Estimate. For 13- Carotene, OPC 4950and OPC 4280 also found contributing more than 47% . For the J3-cryptoxanthin, OPC 4950 and OPC 4280, contributed at 47.21% with positive Parameter Estimate . Also markers OPC 4950and OPC 4300contributed more than 470/0 with positive Parameter Estimate in Zeaxanthin. In Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis three markers accounted for increased lycopene up to 45.96%, OPC4950 showed maximum putative association with Iycopene. Two RAPD markers OPA 8270 and OPS 4320 were found contributing about 30% for the increase in the 0carotene. There were no markers which positively contributed to ~-carotene, ~cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. Diversity among genotypes by Jaccard coefficient ranged from 46% to 92% and differences among genotypes with correlation coefficient ranged from 66% to 99.98% . These results showed that the association of various markers with different traits using single marker analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis is a putative association and these markers are needed to be validated using various mapping populations, and can be used as potential markers in marker assisted selection for the improvement of tomato with respect to Iycopene and other carotenoidsennullIDENTIFICATION OF MOLECULAR MARKERS ASSOCIATED WITH LYCOPENE CONTENT AND OTHER CAROTENOIDS IN TOMATOThesis