Dr. H. R. PatelPRAVINSINH K. PARMAR2017-05-162017-05-162012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810011239The agriculture sector is one of the most riski sector due to the changing impacts of climate change. Changes in temperature, rainfall, extreme events, water flows and atmospheric content has a mixture of positive and negative implication on plant growth, livestock performance and water supply, as well as for soil characteristics, pest and diseases. Thus, the agriculture is likely to face changing conditions and may be at risk. In view of this fact it is high time to evaluate regional crop response to projected climate change. Various adaptations measures and introduction of temperature/drought tolerant cultivars will alleviate the impact of climate change on agricultural crops. The climate change impact assessment on groundnut yield of Rajkot station (200 18' N latitude and 700 56' E longitude) was worked out using the PRECIS model output in A2 scenario and baseline data.enAgricultural meteorologyStudyAssessment of climate change under A2 scenario and its effect on groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) yield using DSSAT model for Rajkot district of North-Saurashtra Agro-climatic zoneThesis