GOPINATH RAO, MSUNIL KUMARA, D S2016-11-162016-11-1641163TH-10374 activities play an increasingly important role in sustainable development, poverty reduction and employment generation in the rural area. There is need to identify the factors which are responsible in influencing the income from non-farm activity. Statistical distribution, Multivariate multiple regression, Non parametric regression, conditional distribution has been carried out to find the effect of explanatory variables on non-farm income and investment. Study shows that distributions of these variables are asymmetric and positively skewed and only log normal distribution fitted well for all the variables, Risk analysis for non-farm income showed that high risk income is for farmers with less than Rs.12,000 for upper reach, less than Rs. 14,400 for mid reach and less than Rs.16,000 for lower reach. Parametric regression analysis revealed that farm income, number of working adults, education and number of persons employed influence non-farm income. In case of investment significant influence is found by education, farm income age and numbers of persons employed. Projection pursuit regression showed that Non-farm income is influenced by Education, Number of persons employed, farm income, for investment number of persons employed, education, and family size. Relative frequency is maximum for nonfarm income of less than Rs 60,000 across all categories of all annual farm income. There is a steady decrease in relative frequency with increase in nonfarm income for all categories of farm income.enSTATISTICAL STUDY OF DISTRIBUTION OF NON-FARM INCOME IN CAUVERY COMMAND AREA OF KARNATAKAThesis