Dr. P. H. VATALIYASWAPNIL GIRISHKUMAR GAJJAR2019-03-082019-03-082012-11http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810097849A total of 1257 lactation records of 345 Gir cows sired by 52 Gir bulls maintained at Cattle Breeding Farm, JAU, Junagadh from 1987-2010, were analyzed to compare various sire and cow evaluation methods for lactation milk yield (LMY) (standardized to 305-2X-ME basis and also to SLPY), lactation length (LL) and calving interval (CI). Earlier records (1965- 1985) were also collected to be partly used in some of the methods. Sire evaluation was done using conventional indices (viz. Modified Simple Daughter Average index, Equiparent index, Norton index, Rice index, Tomar index, Corrected Daughter Average index. Contemporary Comparison method and Corrected Contemporary Comparison method), Least Squares method (LS), Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP) method and Average Information Restricted Maximum Likelihood (AIREML) method. Cow evaluation was done using LS, BLUP and AIREML methods. BLUP and AIREML models were constructed using univariate models, multivariate models (based on first lactation records) and multivariate repeatability models (based on all lactation records) using the three traits in all possible combinations. Criteria for comparison of all the models involved error variances to measure the efficiency of models. Additionally, coefficients of determination (%) i.e. R2 values and coefficients of variation (CV%) were used to measure the accuracy and stability of models, respectively for linear fixed and mixed models (LS, BLUP and AIREML). Among the conventional indices. Modified Simple Daughter Average index (I-l) was the most efficient method for sire evaluation for 305-DMY and LL followed by Corrected Daughter Average index (1-6). Sire rank correlations of breeding values for 305-DMY and LL by I-l and 1-6 were highly significant (P<0.01). For CI, 1-6 was the most efficient method followed by I-1. Among the linear fixed and mixed models, all sire and cow rank correlations of breeding values for the three traits were highly significant (P<0.01) except those with AIREML model (A- 13) which involved 305-DMY and CI. Repeatability AIREML model (A-S) which incorporated SLPY, LL and CI was the most accurate method of evaluation of animals (sire and cow) for LMY followed by AIREML model A-12 which involved 305-DMY and LL. A-12 was found to be most accurate method of evaluation of animals for LL. A-13 was the most accurate method for evaluation of animals for CI. LS was the most stable method for all the three traits. A-12 was the most efficient method for evaluation of animals for LMY and LL. A-S had relatively higher error variance than A-12. Most efficient method of evaluation of animals for CI was A-13. Sire rank correlations of breeding values for the three traits obtained by first lactation models with their respective all lactation models were highly significant (P<0.01) except those with A-13. Use of all lactation records instead of first lactation records lead to 33.17%, 40.48% and 21.67% gain in accuracies; 36.73%, 28.78% and 18.26% gain in stabilities and 21.38%, 37.64% and 26.50% gain in efficiencies for LMY, LL and Cl, respectively. Thus, AIREML repeatability model incorporating 305-DMY and LL is recommended for evaluation of animals for the production traits viz. lactation milk yield and lactation length, and AIREML repeatability model incorporating 305-DMY and CI is recommended for evaluation of animals for calving interval, a reproduction trait.enComparison of Various Mexhods for the Estimation of Breeding Values in Gir Cattle 1674Thesis