Rathore, SuryaBharat, Barge Hemant2018-10-252018-10-252008-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810082082The study was carried out in Nainital District of Uttarakhand because this district was having highest area under soybean cultivation. Two blocks were selected by simple random sampling using chit method in which one was from Bhabhar region and another from hill region. Two villages from these blocks were selected by simple random sampling using chit method. Data was collected through structured interview schedule. On the basis of this study it can be concluded that majority of the soybean growers under study belonged to middle to old age group, were educated up to high school having small and single family with an annual income up to rupees 63,000/-, possessing marginal land holding and membership of at least one organization with families having medium educational status. Further, majority of the farmers had 16 to 39 years of farming experience but were growing soybean for at least 8 to 21 years and were either belonged to early or late majority and medium level of risk orientation, mass media exposure, change agency contact and sources of information. Whereas, farmers had medium level of knowledge and adoption of soybean production technology. Age, size of family and experience of soybean growing had negative and non significant relationship with knowledge while annual income, land holding, change agency contact, sources of information and risk orientation had positive and significant relationship with knowledge of soybean production technology. Education, type of family, social participation, educational status of family, farming experience, innovativeness and mass media exposure had positive but non-significant relationship with knowledge. Innovativeness had negative and non-significant relationship with adoption while social participation, educational status of family and mass media exposure, annual income, land holding, sources of information and knowledge of soybean production technology had positive and significant relationship with adoption of soybean production technology. Age, education, type of family, size of family, farming experience, soybean growing experience, risk orientation and change agency contact had positive but nonsignificant relationship with adoption. The major constraints reported by the farmers were irregularity of rain fall, insect and disease infestation, high cost of fertilisers, high cost of chemicals used in plant protection, lack of knowledge about plant protection measures, lack of knowledge about weedicides, high cost of seeds, fragmentation of land, high cost of plant protection equipments, lack of knowledge about use of biofertilisers, lack of knowledge about use of recommended variety, lack of knowledge about use of fertilisers, unavailability of recommended variety and lack of market & transport facility.ennullA study of knowledge and adoption of soybean production technology by the farmers in Nainital district of UttarakhandThesis