Verma, Anil KumarPriyanka2022-02-152022-02-152020-11-28 for utilization of guava fruit cultivars viz, Lalit and Shweta for the preparation of osmo-dehydrated fruit slices was standardized. The guava fruits with peel and without peel of each cultivar were cut into 4 mm, 6mm and 8mm thick slices. Thereafter, fruit slices were dipped in 5 different soaking solution (0, 0.1% KMS, 0.2% KMS, 0.1% KMS+0.5% CaCl2, 0.2% KMS+0.5% CaCl2) for 15 minutes and dried in dehydrator at 55±5°C to a constant moisture content. Among all different pre-treatments, fruit types and slice thickness the use of 0.2% KMS+0.5% CaCl2, unpeeled guava and 6mm slice thickness were found most suitable with respect to moisture loss, weight loss, drying time and sensory characteristics for further development of osmo-dried fruit slices. The fruit slices treated with best pre-treatment were kept in 50oB, 60oB and 70oB osmotic solutions for 24 hours and then dried in a cabinet drier at 55±5°C to constant moisture content.The osmo- dehydrated slices were found to contain 18.44 - 21.75 % moisture content, 57.84 - 78.860B TSS, 0.10 - 0.24 % titratable acidity, 131.51 - 134.99 mg/100g ascorbic acid, 1.12 - 1.52% ash content, 33.72 - 37.10 % reducing sugar and 45.25- 51.82 % total sugar. During storage the fruit slices packed in aluminium pouches experienced marginal changes in various chemical and sensory attributes but remained self- stable for 90 days of storage. The value of different attributes of osmo- dehydrated slices in aluminium pouches after 90 days of storage were 53.89-78.86 °B TSS, 0.10-0.59 per cent titratable acidity, 129.36-134.99 mg/100g ascorbic acid, 33.72-43.74 % reducing sugars, 39.86-51.82 % total sugars and 18.44-22.23 % moisture content with no microbial growth in any of the sample. Among different osmotic treatments, the fruit slices prepared by using 700B sugar syrup were found most acceptable with sensory hedonic score of 7.74 on 9-point hedonic scale as compared to 50oB and 60oB sugar syrup. Thus, the guava fruit slices can successfully be utilized for development of self- stable osmo-dehydrated slicesEnglishStandardization of method for preparation of osmotically dried instant guava slicesThesis