M. V. RamdevputraSOLANKI RUTUBEN DHIRUBHAI2021-07-082021-07-082019-08https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170285The present investigation entitled “Effect of application of PGR and chemicals on fruit set, yield, quality and shelf-life of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) cv. Sindhan” was carried out at Madhdi Baug Farm, Department of Horticulture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, during the year 2018-2019. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with factorial concept (FRBD) consisting three factors viz., GA3 spray (G1 50 ppm GA3, G2 100 ppm GA3 and G3 150 ppm GA3), CaCl2 spray (C1 1 % CaCl2, C2 1.5 % CaCl2 and C3 2 % CaCl2), boron spray (B1 0.2 % boron and B2 0.4 % boron) was considered as treatment and replicated thrice. The maximum no. of fruit/tree (96.33), fruit yield (16.98 kg/tree), pulp weight (70.81 g). Maximum, fruit length (8.00, 7.99, 7.97 and 7.94 cm), fruit diameter (8.08, 8.13, 8.15 and 8.12 cm), fruit volume (133.33, 130.67, 121.67 and 116.77 cm3 ), fruit weight (182.67, 178.07, 168.96 and 160.83 g), total sugar (7.43, 23.78, 24.34 and 24.17 %), reducing sugar (4.47, 18.83, 19.11 and 19.00 %), non reducing sugar (2.96, 4.95, 5.23 and 5.17 %) ascorbic acid (37.67, 34.00, 23.67 and 23.33 mg/100g pulp) at harvest, 2 nd, 4th and 6th day interval, respectively. Maximum total soluble solid (24.33, 27.36 and 26.67 ˚Brix) and minimum physiological loss in weight (2.52, 7.51 and 11.96 %) at 2 nd, 4th and 6th day interval, respectively minimum spoilage (20.00 and 33.33 %) maximum marketable fruit (80.00 and 66.67 %) 4 th and 6th day interval, respectively shelf life (6.67 days), appearance (8.00), flavour (8.42), taste (8.57) were recorded under the application of GA3 @ 50 ppm, CaCl2 @ 2 % and boron @ 0.2 % G1C3B1.While, maximum fruit set (17.33 %) noted under GA3 @ 50 ppm, CaCl2 @ 2 % and boron @ 0.4 % G1C3B2 and GA3 @ 100 ppm, CaCl2 @ 2 % and boron @ 0.2 % G2C3B1 application recorded minimum fruit drop (11.50 %). Here it can be concluded that among different PGR and chemicals pre harvest spray at the time of flowering, 30 days after first spray and 60 days after first spray of gibberellic acid 50 ppm, calcium chloride 2 % and boron 0.2 % found to be most effective for getting higher yield with superior quality fruits.EnglishEFFECT OF APPLICATION OF PGR AND CHEMICALS ON FRUIT SET, YIELD, QUALITY AND SHELF-LIFE OF CUSTARD APPLE (Annona squamosa L.) CV. SINDHAN 2929Thesis