REDDEPPA REDDY, MSUNITHA, N2020-11-242020-11-242001 - N.SUNITHAA field experiment was conducted during rabi 2000, on sandy loam soils of Tirupati campus (Southern ago-climatic zone of A.P) of Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural university, to study the effect of different integrated nitrogen management practices on growth and yield of finger milIet and to identifjr the most productive and economic integrated nitrogen management practices for irrigated finger millet. The study was laid out in randornised block design, replicated thrice with fourteen treatments mo (TI), Azotobactev alone (T2), FNlO0 (TI), FN75 + FYM N25 (T4), FN75 + GLM N25 (TS), FN75 + Azotobucter (T6), FNSO + FYM NS0 (T7), FN50 + GLM N5() (Ts), FNso + Azotobacter (T9), FNSo + FYM Nz5 + Azotobacter (Tlo), FNSo + GLM Nz5 + Azotobucter (TI,), FNS0 + FYM N25 + GLM N25 (T12), FNls + FYM N5, + Azotobncter (TI3), FNzs + GLM NSo + Azolobacter (TI4)]. Organic sources of N (FYM and GLM) were incorporated 15 days before transplanting. Azotobocter (1 kg ham1) was inoculated through seedling root dipping in sluny (prepared by mixing Azotobacter, FYM and water in 1 :5: 10 ratio) for 15 minutes prior to transplanting. The test variety was Sapthagiri. Integrated nitrogen management practices significantly influenced the growth characters (viz., plant height, leaf area index, dry matter production and number of tillers mq2) yield attributes (number of productive tillers mm2, fingers ear-', ear length, ear weight and grain weight), yield (grain and straw), nitrogen uptake of finger millet and post harvest soil fertility status. Application of 100% N through fertilizer (T3) has resulted in production of tallest plants, highest number of tillers rn'2, the largest leaf area index, highest total dry matter production, but it was on par with 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through FYM (T4) and 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through GLM (T5) at all the stages of crop growth. Growth characters were found to be the lowest with control (TI) at all the stages of crop growth. The highest values of crop growth rate and net assimilation rate were recorded with 100% N through fertilizer (T3), 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through FYM (T4), 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through GLM (T5), where as the lowest were observed in the control (T1) plot. Earliness in reaching 50% flowering and maturity was registered with nonsupply of nitrogen through any source (TI) and Asofobacter inoculation (T2). Flowering and maturity were most delayed in the crop received 100% fertilizer N 03). . Regarding the yield attributes, number of productive tillers mm2, fingers ear", ear weight, grain weight were found to be the highest with 100% N through fertilizer (T3), which were however, comparable with 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through FYM (T4) and 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through GLM (T5). All the yield attributes were at the lowest with control (TI). Supply of 100% N through fertilizer (T3) has resulted in the highest grain yield, which was however at par with 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through FYM (T4) as well as 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through GLM (TS). The next best treatments were 50% fertilizer N + 25% N through FYM + 25% N through GLM (Tlz), 50% fertilizer N + 50% N through FYM (T7), 50% fertilizer N + 50% N through GLM (Ts), which were on par with each other. The lowest graili yield was recorded in the control (TI) plot. Straw yield of 100% N through fertilizer (T3), 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through FYM (T4), 75% fertilizer N + 25% N though GLM (T5) were comparable and were significantly superiol- to rest of the treatments. The lowest straw yield was observed with control (TI). The highest and lowest values of harvest index were noticed with 100% fertilizer N (T3) and non-supply of N through any source (TI), respectively. Uptake of nitrogen was found to be the highest with 100% N through fertilizer (T3), which was however, on par with 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through FYM (T4) and 75% fertilizer N + 25% N through GLM (Tj) at all the stages of crop growth. The lowest nitrogen uptake was resi1.1ted with control (TI). Post harvest soil fertility status was found to be significantly improved with Asofobacter + 25% fertilizer N + 50% N through GLM (TI4), Azotobacter + 25% fertilizer N + 50% N through FYM (TL3) as well as with 50% fertilizer N + 50% N through GLM (T8) and 50% fertilizer N -+- 50% N though FYM (T7). In conclusion, the investigation has revealed that higher grain yield of finger millet as well as net profit could be obtained with 100% recommended N through fertilizer to irrigated finger millet on sandy loam soils of Tirupati, Recommended dose of nitrogen could be reduced upto 25% without any significant reduction in yield as well as net returns, when applied jn combination with organic sources as FYM or GLM, besides improvement in the soil fertility statusEnglishINTEGRATED NITROGEN MANAGEMENT FOR IRRIGATED FINGER MILLET (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn)Thesis