Hanumant Kalhapure, AniketMaurya, Shravan Kumar2022-01-242022-01-242021-10-11Shravan Kumar Maurya 2021. STUDY OF IRRIGATION SCHEDULING IN DIFFERENT MUSTARD [Brassica juncea (L.)] VARIETIES. M.Sc. Thesis. 69p.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810181185An agronomic investigation to study the response of various mustard varieties to different irrigation scheduling treatments through critical growth stage approach was conducted during Rabi season of year 2019-20 at IFS research Unit farm in Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda (U.P.- 210 001). The experiment was laid out in strip plot design with three replications. Four irrigation scheduling treatments [viz. I0: No Irrigation, I1: One Irrigation at Rosette stage, I2: One Irrigation at Pod formation and I3: Two Irrigations (1st at Rosette + 2nd at Pod Formation)] were allocated to horizontal plots; whereas two mustard varieties (viz. NRCHB-101 and PM-28) were sown in vertical plots. Higher growth attributing characters at different crop stages and yield attributing characters at harvest viz. final plant stand, plant height, number of primary & secondary branches, leaf area index, plant dry matter, crop growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate, number of pods per plant, pod length, number of grains per pod and test weight were produced in mustard variety NRCHB-101 with irrigating the crop for two times during rosette and pod formation stage. Similarly, higher grain & straw yield along with highest harvest index & B: C ratio and water use efficiency was recorded in variety NRCHB-101 with two irrigations as compared to all the other treatments. All these plant growth and yield attributing characters and yield along with net monetary income & B: C ratio and lowest water use efficiency was observed in variety PM-28 under the condition of no irrigation applied.EnglishSTUDY OF IRRIGATION SCHEDULING IN DIFFERENT MUSTARD [Brassica juncea (L.)] VARIETIESThesis