Ajit Kumar, N. G., B. F. Sc2019-07-052019-07-052007http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810112288The pathogenic intracellular bacterium Salmonella was named after Daniel Elmer Salmon, an American veterinary pathologist who, together with Theobald Smith, first discovered the bacterium in 1885 from pigs (Salmon and Smith, 1886). Salmonella spp. is one of the most important causative agents of food home diseases throughout the world (Lacey, 1993). Salmonella belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae. It is a gram negative bacterium, rod shaped about 1- 3pm x 0.5pm in size, motile with peritrichous flagella except Salmonella gallinarum- pullorum which is always non motile. They are oxidase negative, catalase positive and has both respiratory and fermentative metabolism of carbohydrate. Salmonellae currently comprise above 2200 serotypes all of which are potential pathogenicISOLATION OF Salmonella BACTERIOPHAGES FROM NATURAL ENVIRONMENTThesis