HARA GOPAL, VSURESH KUMAR, R.VSREELATHA, ChSURESH BABU, K2016-12-212016-12-212003-09http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/91890THESESABSTRACT : Twenty four dogs of either sex were divided into 4 groups to study the changes in clinical, physiological, haematological, biochemical, pulse oximetry and ECG during barbiturate anaesthesia under premedication. The premedicants used were triflupromazine hydrochloride, diazepam, ketamine and Xylazine. The induction was smooth and rapid after any premedication except with diazepam. Incremental doses of thiopentone were required irrespective of the premedicant used to maintain/ prolong surgical plane of anaesthesia. Incremental pentothal prolonged the recovery period in all the groups. Lack of appreciable changes in physiological and other parameters indicate the choice of premedicant to barbiturate anaesthesia is by preference.enANAESTHETIC COMBINATIONS; DOGSEVALUATION OF CERTAIN ANAESTHETIC COMBINATIONS IN DOGSMVSC;CVSc;TPTY; Acc No:T994Thesis