Varma, Shashi KantaAnuradha2016-09-172016-09-172014 assessing the feasibility of flower cultivation for rural women, one block namely Hansi-I of Hisar district of Haryana state was selected randomly. Out of the selected block, two villages namely Umra and Dhani Peera Wali were selected randomly. A sample of 100 rural women i.e. 50 from each village was drawn and 40 women i.e. 20 from each selected village were selected who were interested in having training on flower cultivation. Various socio-personal, economic, psychological and communication variables constituted the independent variables and knowledge, attitude, skill and symbolic adoption constituted the dependent variables for the study. Data were collected with the help of pre-tested structured interview schedule. The inferences were drawn on the basis of frequency, percentages, paired ‘t’ test, weighted mean score, impact assessment index and correlation. The findings of the study revealed that less than half of the respondents belonged to upper middle age group, were illiterate, married, having nuclear family, had agriculture labourer as their main occupation and belonged to upper middle caste having annual income Above 60,000 and having Large land holding with negligible social participation, owning mixed type of houses. Most of the respondents had high change proneness, high economic motivation and high risk orientation. Intra family decisions were taken mostly by husband alone while entrepreneurial decisions were taken jointly by most of the respondents. Majority of the respondents had medium mass media exposure, low localite service and were having low cosmopolite services. Awareness of rural women regarding flower cultivation was very low at pre-exposure stage but awareness was very high at post-exposure stage. Sufficient gain in knowledge and change in attitude was recorded for all the sub-components of flower cultivation after exposure to training which was highly significant at 0.05 per cent level of significance. Impact assessment of flower cultivation training was found to be of moderate level. Most of the respondents had acquired medium skills after exposure to training. Majority of respondents had moderately high symbolic adoption and were willing to adopt flower cultivation with somewhat difficulty and had moderately high overall acceptability. Most of the respondents perceived marketing and technological constraints at 1 st and 2 nd rank. No significant relationship of independent variables with dependent variables was recorded. MAJOR ADVISOR DEGREE HOLDERendevelopmental stages, Tillage equipment, Biological phenomena, Costs, Economics, Productivity, Land Resources, Floriculture, Markets, ManpowerFeasibility of Flower Cultivation as an Enterprise for Rural WomenThesis