Oraon, P. R.KUMARI TUDU, SARITA2022-05-042022-05-042019https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810184202CARBON SEQUESTRATION POTENTIAL OF TREE SPECIES AND FORAGE CROP UNDER SILVIPASTORAL SYSTEMThe present study entitled “Carbon Sequestration Potential of Tree Species and Forage Crop under Silvipastoral System” was conducted at AICRP (Agroforestry) field, main campus BAU, Ranchi during the year 2017-2018 with the following objectives. 1. To estimate the total carbon content in tree species as well as fodder crop. 2. To assess the nutrient status of soil. 3. To study the growth performance of fodder crops under Silvipastoral system. Research was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with twelve treatments and replicated thrice. They were: T1:Teak + Hybrid Napier, T2: Teak + Sudan, T3: Gamhar + Hybrid Napier, T4: Gamhar + Sudan, T5: Teak + Gamhar + Hybrid Napier, T6: Teak + Gamhar + Sudan, T7: Teak (sole), T8: Gamhar (sole), T9: Teak + Gamhar (sole), T10: Sole Hybrid Napier, T11:Sole Sudan, T12: Absolute Control ( treated soil). In the present findings it was noticed that growth rate of different tree species varied significantly from treatment to treatment under Silvipastoral system. It was observed that the average height was highest in T3 (5.68 m) followed by T4 (5.56 m), T1 (5.20 m), T8 (5.16) T2 (5.03 m) and T5b (4.81m) which was at par with each other and least by T6a (4.19 m). It was also recorded that the maximum average diameter at breast height was in T1 (8.50 cm) which was closely followed by T2 (8.03 cm), T4 (7.44 cm), T3 (7.41 cm), T7 (7.40 cm) and T8 (7.24 cm) which was at par with each other and minimum in T9b (5.19 cm). Significant differences were observed in case of tree volume and maximum volume was found in T1 (0.057 m3) followed by T3 (0.054 m3), T4 (0.053 m3), T2 (0.051 m3) and T8 (0.048 m3) which was at par with each other and least by T9a (0.026 m3). It was shown that the total weight of above ground biomass varies significantly with treatment to treatment. The maximum above ground biomass were observed for T1 (Teak + Hybrid Napier) with value of 36.06 t ha-1 followed by T2 (Teak + Sudan), T3 (Gamhar + Hybrid Napier) which was at par with each other and minimum by 16.15 t ha-1 with T9 (Teak + Gamhar) followed by T5 (Teak + Gamhar + Hybrid Napier), T6 (Teak + Gamhar + sudan),T7 (Teak) and T8 (Gamhar ) which was also at par with each other. The same result was also found below ground biomass as well as total biomass.On the basis of carbon sequestration potential (t ha-1), three treatments namely T1, T2 and T3 may be selected as superior treatment because they produced maximum C content 22.54, 20.03 and 17.17 t ha-1 respectively. The same trend was also followed by CO2 Sequestered. Significant difference was found in average plant populations per square meter of Sudan grass and its maximum plant population was recorded in T11:Sudan (sole) followed by T4 (28) and T2 (27) and minimum average plant population was obtained in T6 (24). Similarly in case of average tillers per square meter of Hybrid Napier grass significant difference was recorded and maximum tillers was found in T10: Hybrid Napier and minimum was in T5.The maximum average plant height of forage crops at different interval was found in T10: Hybrid Napier (Sole) and it was significantly superior over T1, T2, T3, T5, T6 and T11 and minimum average plant height was found in T4 at 15 DAS and same trend was also followed at 30 DAS, 45 DAS and 60 DAS at 1st cuts. Same pattern was also followed with 2nd cuts of forage crops. Significant difference was observed in case of total green fodder yield at 1st cuts and the maximum value was recorded for T10 (94.03q ha-1), followed by T1(92.12 q ha-1) and T5 (89.58 q ha-1) and its minimum for T6 (59.89 q ha-1) . Similarly in case of total green fodder yield at 2nd cuts, maximum value recorded for T10 (89.04 q ha-1) which varied significantly with its minimum value recorded for T5 (28.58 q ha-1). The same result was also noticed by dry fodder yield. On the basis of above ground biomass (q ha-1), four treatment namely, T10, T5, T1 and T3 may be selected as superior treatment because they produced the maximum biomass i.e. 64.60, 60.63, 60.31and 59.88 q ha-1 respectively, which was significantly superior to rest of combination. Similarly in case of below ground biomass and total biomass under Silvipastoral system. Maximum carbon sequestration potential of forage crop was shown by T10 (34.88 q ha-1) followed by T5 (32.74 q ha-1) and minimum in T6 (15.11q ha-1). The same trend was also followed in CO2 sequestration. Tree plantation and forage cultivation under silvi-pastoral system in 0-30 cm depth soil, the maximum available NPK content (kg ha-1) were recorded with T4 and it was significantly superior over Gamhar (sole), Teak (sole), Teak + Gamhar (sole) and Absolute control (treated soil) and minimum available NPK content was recorded with absolute control in pre harvest forage crop and same trend was also followed by post harvest forage crop. The highest carbon sequestration potential of soil (tha-1) was about 20.17 t C ha-1 in T4. Whereas, least was accumulated in T12 (17.63 t C ha-1). Total biomass accumulation under Silvipastoral system was obtained in T1: Teak and Hybrid Napier (52.31 t ha-1) followed by T2: Teak + Sudan (44.07) and T3: Gamhar + Hybrid Napier (41.53) and minimum in T11: Sudan (5.53). Total carbon sequestration potential of Silvipastoral system (Tree + Fodder crops + soil) was accumulated maximum in T1 at the rate of 165.74 t C ha-1, which was 61 per cent more than tree-less area.EnglishCARBON SEQUESTRATION POTENTIAL OF TREE SPECIES AND FORAGE CROP UNDER SILVIPASTORAL SYSTEMThesis