ANAND KUMAR, A(MAJOR)MADHURI, DUDAYA KUMAR, MREDDY, M.RSWATHI, BORA2018-11-132018-11-132010-10 The aim of the prescnt study was to investigate thc incidence of' tumours in poultry and diagnose the type of tumor by histopathological and molecular methods. For this purpose, a total of IS9 samples fro111 72 cases were collected and were subjectcd to various diagnostic methods including cytological, rnolccular, histopathological and itn~nu~~ohistochetnicstnuld ies. The incidence of tumours was rccoru .d as highest (46.93'10) in birds ranging from 8 to 18 weeks of age and it was least (4%) in birds of age group less than S weeks. The highest incidence of tumours was recorded in Rajasree breed (46?/0) followed by Rajasree crossbreeds (1 8%), White Leghorns (1 2%). Aseel ( 10Y h), White Leghorn crossbreeds (6%), Vanaraja (6%) and least in Kadaknath brecd (2%). The incidence of tumours was high in female birds (87.5%) when compared with males (12.5%). On the basis of type of tumours, the highest incidence was recorded for Marek's disease (43.05%) followed by lymphoid leucosis (27.77%), other leukotic tumours (8.33%), hepatoma (4.16%), adenoma (4.16%), fibroma (2.77%), haemangioma (2.77%) and least for granulosa cell tumour, nephroblastoma, osteofibroma, endothelioma and chondroma (1.38%). Ninty impression smears of various organs or tissues collected from 46 birds was stained with Leishman's / Giemsa stain. Cytological studies revealed that 67.78% of the smears were diagnosed as Marek's disease, and 23.33% of the smears as l ylnphoid leucosis. Fifty nine tissue samples suspected for MD and LL were subjcctcd for PCR and 50.85% of the samples were positive for MD, produced an amplicon size of 302bp with primers MI and M2. 42.37'/0 of the samples were positive for ALV by using pair of primers (AD1 and H5) and produced an arnplicon of size 326bp. DNA of 6.78% samples were neither amplified for MDV nor for ALV with any of the rcspcctive primers. Grossly, 25%of 72 cases wcre suspected for Marek's disease, 63.SU4 for Lymphoid lcucosis, 9.7Zoh for fibromas and 2.77% for hae~nangiomas. A total of 189 tissue samples frorn 72 cases were subjected to histopathological studies and 120 (63.49%) sainples were confinned as Marck's disease, 55 (39.10%) as LL and 14 (7.4%) as other neoplastic conditions which included cases of adenoma, hepatorna, haenlangioma, fibroma. nephroblastoma. chondroma, granulosa cell tumour, endothelioma and osteofibroma. A total of 29 samples were subjected to immunohistochelllical staining technique for PCNA and observed PCNA labelling in the tumour tissue and demonstrated different levels of staining intensity and indicated the activity of the cells.ennullINCIDENCE OF TUMOURS IN POULTRY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MAREK'S DISEASE AND LYMPHOID LEUCOSlSThesis