Dr. L. K. SharmaKAMANI JANVI VRAJLAL20101210282024-04-052024-04-052023-07https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810208190Mungbean, characterization, plant morphology, chemical test, seed quality parameters. An experiment was carried out at the Pulses Research Station, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh, to characterize fifty mungbean genotypes based on morphological characters (plant, leaf, stem, flower, pod and seed), chemical tests and seed quality parameters. Fifty mungbean genotypes were grouped into different groups based on 24 plant morphological characters, 4 chemical tests and 4 seed quality parameters. Based on plant growth type, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as erect (3 genotypes), semi erect (46 genotypes) and spreading (1 genotype). Based on plant growth habit, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as determinate (48 genotypes) and indeterminate (2 genotypes). Based on plant height, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as short (<50 cm) (29 genotypes) and medium (50-70 cm) (21 genotypes). Based on hypocotyl: anthocyanin coloration, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as present (29 genotypes) and absent (21 genotypes). In all the 50 genotypes, leaflet lobes was absent. Based on the leaf shape, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as deltoid (2 genotypes) and ovate (48 genotypes). Based on leaf colour, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as light green (24 genotypes), green (22 genotypes) and dark green (4 genotypes). Based on leaf vein color, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as green (11genotypes), green with purple splashes (10 genotypes) and purple (29 genotypes). Based on petiole color, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as green (8 genotypes), green with purple splashes (40 genotypes) and purple (2 genotypes). Based on leaf size, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as small (7 genotypes), medium (37 genotypes) and large (6 genotypes). Based on stem pubescence, the mungbean genotypes were grouped into absent (3 genotypes) and present (47 genotypes). Based on, stem color the genotypes grouped into green (8 genotypes) and green with purple splashes (42 genotypes). Based on time of flowering, the mungbean genotypes were grouped as early (< 40 days) (5 genotypes), medium (40-50 days) (43 genotypes) and late (> 50 days) (2 genotypes). Based on flower color of petal, the mungbean genotypes were grouped into yellow (34 genotypes) and light yellow (16 genotypes). Pod pubescence was present in all fifty mungbean genotypes. Among 50 mungbean genotypes, pod color of premature pod was green (29 genotypes), while it was green with pigmented structure (21 genotypes). Based on pod curvature, the Name of the student: Kamani Janvi Vrajlal Major Guide: Dr. L. K. Sharma mungbean genotypes were grouped into two groups as straight (24 genotypes) and curved (26 genotypes). Based on pod position, the mungbean genotypes were grouped into two groups as above canopy (24 genotypes) and intermediate (26 genotypes). Based on the pod color of mature pods, mungbean genotypes were grouped into two groups as black (4 genotypes) and brown (46 genotypes). Among 50 genotypes, mature pod length was short (25 genotypes), while it was medium (25 genotypes). Seed color was green in all mungbean genotypes. Based on seed shape, drum (22 genotypes) and oval shaped (28 genotypes). On the basis of seed size, the mungbean genotypes categorized in medium seed size (3-5 gm) (24 genotypes) and large seed size (> 5 gm) (26 genotypes). Based on seed coat luster, the mungbean genotypes grouped as shiny (45 genotypes) and dull (5 genotypes). Based on the seed coloration with phenol test, mungbean genotypes were grouped into no change (18 genotypes), light brown (28 genotypes) and brown (4 genotypes). Based on the peroxidase test, mungbean genotypes were grouped into three categories viz., light brown (8 genotypes), brown (3 genotypes) and dark brown (39 genotypes) types. All 50 genotypes expressed reddish brown colour in potassium hydroxide test (KOH). On the basis of NaOH test, mungbean genotypes were grouped into brown (10 genotypes) and orange (26 genotypes) and straw (14 genotypes). Based on seed quality parameters, significantly highest seed germination percentage was observed in GJM 1104 (99.00 %) and the lowest was observed in GJM 1822 (86.00 %). Seedling length ranged from 8.90 cm (GJM 1714) to 15.29 cm (GJM 1010) with a mean of 13.02 cm. Seedling vigour index I ranged from 836.96 (GJM 1714) to 1505.35 (GJM 1010). All the genotypes evaluated were vigorous with a mean of 1232.07. Seedling vigour index II ranged from 12.76 (GJM 1714) to 27.13 (GJM 1020) with a mean of 17.30. From the above results, it can be concluded that plant GJM 1004 was distinct genotype based on plant morphology, as it was spreading plant growth type, determinate plant growth habit, short plant height and absent hypocotyl: anthocyanin coloration and GJM 1012 was distinct genotype with erect plant growth type, intermediate plant growth habit, medium plant height and present hypocotyl: anthocyanin coloration. On the basis of leaf morphology, GJM 1020 and GJM 1022 were distinct genotypes with deltoid leaf shape, green leaf color, purple leaf vein color, green with purple splashes petiole color and medium leaf size. Based on stem character, GJM 1703 was distinct genotype with absent stem pubescence and green stem color. Based on flower morphology, GJM 1028 was distinct genotype with late flowering and light yellow flower color of petal and GJM 1009 and GJM 1703 were distinct genotypes with early flowering and yellow flower color of petal. Based on pod morphology, GJM 1822 was distinct genotype with green color of premature pod, intermediate pod position, short pod length and black pod color. Based on seed morphology, GJM 1714 distinct genotype with drum seed shape, medium seed size and dull seed coat luster. Based on chemical tests, genotype GJM 1116 was distinct with brown color in phenol test, brown color in peroxidase test and orange in NaOH test. The assessment of genetic purity is an important criterion in seed production programme. Therefore, simple and reliable techniques need to be developed for genetic purity assessment and genotype characterization. The study suggested that plant, seed and seedling morphological characteristics and seed quality parameters were found to be useful in broad classification of mungbean genotypes. Further, the cultivar reaction to different chemicals like, phenol test, peroxidase test, KOH test and NaOH test were also found useful in grouping of mungbean genotypes.EnglishCHARACTERIZATION OF MUNGBEAN (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) GENOTYPES THROUGH MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS, CHEMICAL TESTS AND SEED QUALITY PARAMETERS 3711Thesis