Ramandeep Singh Major AdvisorChamkaur Singh2017-07-122017-07-122012http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810025083The present study was undertaken for studying the handling and storage practices of seed potato followed by Sangha group. The study was conducted by including selected persons from Sangha group for exploring the traditional handling and storage practices of seed potato and exploratory research was used to identify new technologies of handling and storage. Results indicate that potato industry was facing acute shortage of skilled labour. There were huge losses during the handling of produce on field and during storage due to manual working. Maintenance of uniform temperature in cold chamber is the need of time, which is lacking in traditional system of handling and storage. Produce generally get damaged during the process due to the reason of manual handling.ennullHandling and Storage Management of Seed Potato - A Case Study of Selected FarmsThesis