Singh, SanjayRane, Satish2017-02-222017-02-222016 Eco-friendly farming practices is the agricultural system which aims at cultivation of land in such a ways that the soil is kept dynamic with its living activities in good health and at the same time keeping the environment clean, maintaining ecological balance and providing stability to production level without polluting the soil, water and area. In this system and use of chemicals is kept at minimum level. Compared to modern farming practices which are heavily dependent on the use of chemicals and fertilizers, eco-friendly farming relies more on biological inputs. Considering the sustainability issues of agricultural production systems “Marth Kiley-Worthington” (1993) defines ecological agriculture as the establishment and maintenance of an ecologically self-sustaining low input economically variable, small farming system managed to maximize net production without causing large or long term change to the environment, or being ethically or aesthetically unacceptable. Eco friendly farming is nothing new to India, but the need of the hour is the chalking out of a definite nationwide strategy on this issue and the linking of the sources of production to the market for the same. A intensive effort on part of the government in the policy level, active participation of the private sector (for effectively bringing out the commercial face of the concept) and participation of the farmers. Farmers are needed to popularize ecofriendly farming with requisite economic and structural backup should be fulfilled for increasing the utilization and marketability in relation to eco-friendly farming.. The success of eco-friendly farm approach totally depends on awareness of the approach supported by the authentic sources of inputs and knowledge from technical persons. Therefore, it is essential to judge the depth of perception of the concerned formers on it which is a prerequisite to develop a strategy for successful implementation of eco-friendly farming practices proggramme in a particular farming community Keeping this in view the present study entitled as “Adaptation of Eco-friendly Farming Practices among Rice Growers of Hanumana Block of Rewa District (M.P)” will be undertaken with the following specific objectives:- Objectives:- 1. To study the socio economic, communicational and psychological characteristics of the farmers 2. To determine the extent of adaptation pattern regarding the eco-friendly farming practices among the farmers. 3. To explore the relationship between the adaptation of eco-friendly practices among the farmers and their attributes. 4. To study the constraints perceived by farmers in using eco-friendly farming practices. Methodology 1. Selection of district The present study was entirely concerned with the farmers of adopted villages of Krishi Vigyan Kendra Rewa. A number of training programmes have been conducted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Rewa in the field of eco-friendly practices regarding environmental conditions. Hence, Rewa district was selected purposively for the study. 2. Selection of block The study was conducted purposively in Rewa district .The district comprises 9 blocks namely Jawa, Teonthar, Sirmour, Gangev, Hanumana, Naigarhi, Rewa and Raipur. Out of which Hanumana block of Rewa District is selected purposively since it has largest area under rice production as compared to other blocks. 3. Selection of the villages A list of villages where training and other awareness activities on organic farming or eco-friendly farming practices conducted was prepared.Ten villages were selected purposively on the basis of numbers of beneficiaries of eco friendly farming programmes. 4. Selection of the respondents A village wise list of beneficiary farmers of such programme of organic farming or eco-friendly practices was prepared. They were considered as respondents. The beneficiary farmer from each village was selected by proportionate random sampling method to make a sample size of 120. Thus, the total sample was consisted of 120 farmers spread over in ten selected villages. Independent variable Age, caste, education, social participation, size of land holding, farm experience, source of information, mass media exposure, market orientation, and economic motivation, risk orientation and decision making. Dependent variable Extent of adaptation of the farmers towards ecofriendly farming practices. MAIN FINDINGS The main findings of the study have been presented in line with the objectives of study. The findings are presented under the following sub-heads A) Socio - personal and psychological profile of the farmers - 1- Among the rice growers 42.50 percent were from middle age group. This findings is in line with the findings of Ranganathan (1997) and Shukla at al (2009). 2- More than 1/3 of the rice growers (35.00 percent) were schedule caste category. Similar result was reported by kumar at al (2011) 3- Among the rice growers 30 percent belonged to the up to middle level of education category. 4- Less than 50 percent of the rice growers 45 percent had medium level of social participation. Similar results were reported by Saxena and Singh (2000) and Ranganathan (1997). 5- About 46.66 percent of the rice growers had medium size of land holding. This findings is in line with the findings of shukla (2009) and Ranganathan (1997). 6- About 50 percent of the rice growers had medium farming experience. Similar result was reported by Kushwah (2003). 7- Among the total respondents 37.5 percent were having medium level of source of information. Similar results were found by Garg et al (2009) and Mnajul et al (2010). 8- About less than 50 percentages 43.33 of the rice growers had using medium mass media exposure. This findings is in line with the findings of Manjul et al (2010). 9- Among the rice growers 44.16 percent had medium market orientation. 10- Among the total respondents 47.5 percent belonged to the medium economic motivation. Similar results were reported by Sandesh (2004) and Shukla et al (2009). 11- Among the total respondents 50.83 percent belonged to the medium risk orientation. This findings is in line with the findings of Kushwah (2003). 12- About 47.50 percent of the rice growers had medium decision making. B) Adaptation pattern regarding ecofriendly farming practices It is evident that among all the eco friendly farming practices the overall mean of agronomical practices 1.40 followed by,soil management 1.36, water management 0.99, seed management 0.93, Grain storage 0.80, Use of biofertilizer 0.78, Integrated nutrient management was 0.67 and Integrated Insect and disease management 0.11.It was also found that overall mean adaptation score of all practices was 0.99. The adaptation index of different ecofriendly practices among the farmers. It is evident that the agronomical practices occupied I rank having the highest (70.14) adaptation index followed by Soil management (68.06), water management (49.31), seed management (46.67), grain storage (40.14), Use of biofertilizer (39.09), Integrated nutrient management (30.28) and integrated insect and disease management (5.56). Out of 120 respondents 46.70 percent showed low adaptation, 32.50 percent of respondents indicated medium adaptation where as 20.83 percent depicted high adaptation regarding ecofriendly agricultural management practices. C) Association between independent and dependent variables 1- It was found that the age, caste and social participation had not significant association with the adaptation of respondents towards eco-friendly farming practices. 2- There was significant association between education, size of land holding, farming experience, source of information, mass media exposure, market orientation, economic motivation, risk D) Constraints for the rice growers in using eco-friendly farming practices It was revealed that the major constraints were perceived by the farmer may be arranged in descending order as Lack of scientific recommendation was major problem as experience by (75%) farmers, lack of trials and demonstration (68.33%), Lack of proper training at village/block level(61.66%), lack of technical input and raw material (57.50%),delay in soil testing report (50.83%), Non availability of subsidies for purchasing of bioagents and biopesticides (48.33%), Lack of awareness (42.50%), non availability of appropriate literature (36.66%), and difficult methods for preparation of ecofriendly product (26.66%). Similar results were reported by shukla et al (2009) ang Gulshan kumari (2012). E) Suggestions for the rice growers in using eco-friendly farming practices It was found that the important suggestion as given by the respondents may be arranged in descending order as Scientific information should be provided to farmers (76.66%), trials and demonstration programme should be conducted(70.83), provide training to farmer at village/block level (65%), availability of technical input at subsidized rate (56.66%), soil testing report may be available timely (51.66%), provide proper subsidies for purchasing of ecofriendly product (44.16%), establish ecofriendly centers at village/block level (40.83%), there are need to appropriate literature (36.66%) and simple and easy practices of ecofriendly farming may be communicated (30.00%). This findings is in line with the findings of Basanayak et al (2013). CONCLUSION: The present study highlights the views of the farmers about effect of change in environmental condition and their adaptation pattern regardind ecofriendly practices. It may be concluded from the present study that while the adaptation regarding the practices namely-seed management, soil management,integrated nutrient management,use of biofertilizer,water management,integrated insect and disease Management, agronomical practices and grain storage. Hence the practices should be more emphasized in implementation of ecofriendly farming programmes on rice crop. SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHRE WORK 1. Since the present study is confined to the selected farmers of a particular region, replicative studies conducted on farmers in other parts of M.P. as well as India need to be undertaken in order to find out the comprehensive results. 2. Some worthwhile suggestions for enhancing the adaptation of ecofriendly practices concerned with environmental change received by the respondents may be considered in formulating policies and strategies to minimize the adverse effect of environmental change. 3. Further research work may be conducted with employing different sampling methods and statistical tools.ennullA study on adoption of eco-friendly farming practices among rice growers of hanumana block of rewa district (M.P.)Thesis