Dr. B. P. JoshiSagar R. Surjagade2021-06-102021-06-102019https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810169819The present study was carried out to know the incidence, mortality pattern, gross and microscopic lesions of the E. coli infection in broiler chicken as well as to know the antibiogram profile and antibiotic resistance gene in E. coli. The study comprised of epidemiological information in relation to autopsy incidence and farm wise mortality, gross and histopathological examination of different organs, isolation, identification, biochemical characterization and molecular detection of E. coli. Further antibiogram profile and detection of antibiotic resistance genes of E. coli isolates were carried out.EnglishPATHOLOGICAL STUDIES ON ESCHERICHIA COLI INFECTION IN BROILERS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE GENESThesis