SUDHAKAR RAO, B(MAJOR)THAMMI RAJU, DSUDHAKAR, KSrinivasa Rao, B2018-10-262018-10-262009-03 The present study was undertaken with the main objective of assessing the televiewing behaviour of livestock farmers in terms of frequency, pattern and response of on A.H. programmes. Ex-post-facto research design was followed in the present investigation. Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh was purposively selected for carrying out the study. Three mandals were selected randomly. The list of villages under each selected Mandal was obtained from district gazette. From the list, villages having the good facility of Television viewing and also villages have good telecast facility of all channels that telecasts the A.H. programmes were identified. Among such villages, two were selected from each Mandal, amounting a total of six villages for the present study. A list of farm televiewers of A.H. programmes was prepared and by adopting quota sampling method from each village twenty livestock farmers were selected at random, thus a total of 120 respondents were selected from six villages. The data was collected by personal interview method through structured interview schedule. Majority of the respondents were middle aged, had medium farming experience, medium level of socio-economic status, medium level of extension contact, medium level of mass media exposure, medium level of information seeking behaviour, medium level of innovativeness and low level of knowledge before viewing the A.H. programmes and majority of the respondents possessed high level of knowledge after viewing the telecast on A.H. programmes. Majority of the respondents had medium level of televiewing behaviour, which included viewing frequency, viewing pattern and viewing response. Majority of the respondents had faced the unsuitability of time, paucity of time and lack of electricity as the major constraints and suggested to provide uninterrupted electricity supply, change as well as increase in telecast time, providing timely information and using visuals in the programmes were made by majority of the respondents for improving the telecast of Animal Husbandry programmes. Correlation analysis carried out to reveal the relationship between independent and dependent variables which indicated that, out of all the selected independent variables experience, socio-economic status, extension contact, mass media exposure, information seeking behaviour, innovativeness and knowledge level had positive and significant correlated relationship with televiewing behaviour. While, age was negatively significant with televiewing behaviour of the respondents. Regression analysis revealed that all the independent variables put together explained about 52.4 per cent variation in the televiewing behaviour of the respondents.ennullTELEVIEWING BEHAVIOUR OF LIVESTOCK FARMERS ON ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PROGRAMMES IN ANDHRA PRADESHThesis