Nadagoudar, B SKalaghatagi, S B2019-08-212019-08-212000No. of references 96"Field experiments were carriedout at Regional Research Station, Bijapur during 1997-99 to study the effects of NFTs on growth and yield of arable crops and evaluation of silvi-pastoral systems on vertisols. A trial consisted of two NFTs (nine year old) planted at 7.2 and 12.6m row spacing, four test crops (Bengalgram, Sorghum, Safflower and Sunflower) and three distances viz., 1,2 and 3m away from NFTs. In another experiment, four pastures were evaluated in silvi-pastoral system consisting of 12 trees of seven year old planted at 2x2m spacing under dryland conditions. The results revealed that, growth and yield components of test crops were significantly higher with Faidherbia albida than Hardwickia binata. Grain yield of bengalgram, sorghum, safflower and sunflower was higher with F.albida by 18, 35, 19 and 56 per cent, respectively as compared to H.binata. Growing of test crops with H.binata at wider row spacing (12.6m) and with F.albida at closer row spacing (7,-2m) was found superior. Soil fertility and soil moisture status was higher in closer row spacing (7.2m) of F.albida. The BC ratio (2.25) and internal rate of returns were higher (30%) with H.binata at 7.2m than 12.6m row spacing. The NFTs + sunflower system recorded higher net present value. The tree height was significantly higher (7,63m) with H.binata and DBH did not differ significantly between two NFTs. In silvi-pastoral systems, among the twelve trees, L leucocephala recorded significantly higher tree height (8.64m) followed by Eucalyptus (7.98m). Tree DBH was highest in A.lebbeck (25.73cm). Among the four pastures, C.ciliaris produced significantly higher total biomass yield (213.81 q ha-1) and was followed by S.hamata (154.67 q ha-1). Silvi-pastoral system involving H.binata + C.ciliaris produced higher total biomass yield (287.50 q ha-1). Whereas, the IRR, NPV and BCR were higher from Eucalyptus + pasture system."ennullINVESTIGATIONS ON AGRI - SILVI AND SILVI - PASTORAL SYSTEMS IN VERTISOLS OF NORTHERN DRY ZONE OF KARNATAKAThesis