Deshmukh, Prof. N. Y.Patel, Dilamber P.2018-10-282018-10-281983"DILAMBER. PRASAD PATEL. (1983). BREEDING INVESTIGATIONS IN SAFFLOWER (Carthamus tinctorious L. ). Department of Agricultural Botany. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, MS. 1983. 308 p""Safflower, Cartham~ tinctorius L. is now a recognised potential oilseed crop of India due to multiutility of its oil in human consumption and other various oil based industries . Until recently , this crop was grown for the production of Carthamin and Safflower Yellow the dye which was used in wool , cotton and silk industries. The cultivated safflower can be grouped in two distinct g r oups i.e . spiny a nd non spiny groups . In India the spiny types are considered better for oil extraction , while non spiny types are considered good for dye production . The crop is grown under rainfed corditions mainly in Maharasht ra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, but now it is also cultivated under irrigated conditions with better results . Very sporadic information is available regarding variability , association between yield components , its path ways, genetic divergence and its adaptability . The present investigations were undertaken to gather basic information on these aspects for varietal improvement prograrm~e in safflower which is one of the main oilseed crops of Maha rasht ra grown in the pure stand or in borders of other crops ."en"BREEDING INVESTIGATIONS IN SAFFLOWER (Carthamus tinctorious L. )"Thesis