Patel, B. B.Safvi, Sayed Zahoor2018-03-302018-03-301998 has been considered as an important factor in one's outlook on life. Studies of human aspiration through light on the dynamic function of behaviour, thereby contributing to the understanding of the nature and extent of one's goal orientation. This research study on the aspiration of bidi tobacco growers is an attempt in that direction and is significant for the purpose of understanding the dynamics of the behaviour of the farmers who are to be geared up for a greater productive effort in our country. The progress of agriculture and whatever hopes, desires one may have for speedy improvement in agriculture can be attained only if the farmers have high aspiration for higher production in agriculture. Level of aspiration of farmers for higher production in agriculture means to attain high standards of farming than an individual sets for himself. It, thus, is the degree to which the individual sets his farming goals realistically in relation to his physical and mental attributes and in accordance with his environment. But, there is a lack of researches to support the worthiness of this psychological characteristic in case of bidi tobacco growers which compelled us to under take the study 'A STUDY ON BIDI TOBACCO GROWER'S ASPIRATION FOR HIGHER PRODUCTION'. Some studies in the past have pointed out that socio-economic status of the farmers play a vital role in their future goals (Muthayya, 1971) whereas Pareek and Chattopadhyay (1965) pointed out that the areas which require expenditure, farmers express low aspiration with greater frequency. The study throws light on extent of aspirations of bidi tobacco growers belonging to different socioeconomic status, indicating the means to guide them to realise their aspiration. The results of this study, therefore may make the change agents realise .,the need for caution in raising the expectations of the farmers. It may help in discovering the importance of one's socioeconomic status and other factors as they serve as leverage points for one's motivation and, in turn, for social change. This study was undertaken with the following specific objectives : (i) To study some selected characteristics of Bidi Tobacco growers, (ii) To study the level of adoption of Bidi tobacco growers in respect of improved practices of tobacco, (iii) To test whether there is any association between selected characteristics of the Bidi tobacco growers and their level of adoption,(iv) To study the level of aspiration of Bidi tobacco growers in respect of higher production, (v) To test whether there is any association between selected characteristics of the Bidi toabacco growers and their level of aspiration, (vi) To test whether there is any association between the level of aspiration of Bidi tobacco growers and their level of adoption of improved practices of tobacco. Methodology The present study was conducted in Anand taluka of Anand district of Gujarat State. One hundred twenty bidi tobacco growers from the 10 villages were selected for the study at random. The data were collected with the help of well structured and pre-tested interview schedule which included all the items on which information was required for the study. The data where collected in the month of May, June and July, 1998, The independent and dependent variables were measured by utilizing appropriate scale and procedure adopted by other research workers. The statistical tools used to analyse the data were Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation, Coefficient of Correlation, Stepwise regression analysis and Path analysis. Finally, the collected data were analysed and interpreted in light of the objectives. Findings 1 Exactly half (50.00 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers belong to middle age group. 2 Minority (30,00 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers were educated upto -secondary level. 3 More than half of bidi tobacco growers (52.50 per cent) were dependent upon farming only for their livelihood. 4 More than two-fifth (43.33 per cent) of bidi tobacco growers had annual income from RS.30001/- to Rs.60000/-. 5 The two-fifth (40.00 per cent) of bidi tobacco growers were found under the category of small farmers (2.51 to 5 acres). 6 Majority of the bidi tobacco growers (68.34 per cent) had membership either in one or more than one organisation.7 More than three-fourth (78.33 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers had medium level of extension contact. 8 Majority (63.34 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers had medium level of economic motivation. 9 Majority (62.50 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers had medium level of risk preference. 10 Nearly two-third (65.83 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers had medium level of scientific orientation. 11 More than three-fourth (77.50 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers had favourable attitude towards modern agricultural practices. 12 Majority (64.17 per cent) of the bidi tobacco growers were found in medium level of adoption category. 13 Among 11 variables, six variables like annual income, land holding, extension contact, economic motivation and risk preference showed significant association with extent of adoption. 14 Independent variables annual income and risk preference contributed to 89.10 per cent of the total variation and • were responsible for increasing the level of adoption. 15 The maximum direct effects on extent of adoption were exerted by annual income. Whereas, economic motivation had exerted maximum indirect effect on extent of adoption. 16 Nearly three-fifth of the respondents (59.17 per cent) • were found having medium level of aspiration. 17 Areas like increase in land holding, increase in annual income were aspired more and areas like borrowing loan and improvement in farm were aspired less by the bidi tobacco growers. 18 The independent variables like annual income, land holding, social participation, extension contact, economic motivation, and risk preference showed significant association with level of aspiration. Whereas age, education, occupation, scientific orientation and attitude towards modem agricultural practices failed to show any association with level of aspiration. 19 The independent variables annual income and economic motivation contributed to 96.51 per cent of the total variation and were responsible for increasing the bidi tobacco growers level of aspiration. 20 It was foxind that annual income had maximum direct effect on level of aspiration. Whereas, risk preference had maximum indirect effect on level of aspiration. 21 Extent of adoption of recommended bidi tobacco technology was found positively and significantly related with level of aspiration of bidi tobacco growers.enExtension Education, AgricultureA STUDYA STUDY ON BIDI TOBACCO GROWER'S ASPIRATION FOR HIGHER PRODUCTIONThesis