Rajashekarappa, K. S.MANOJ, N.2023-01-142023-01-142022-06-15Th-13241https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810192265Geospatial technique were used for land and water management action plan for Halayapura micro-watershed lies between750 51' 37.585'' to 750 53' 29.93''E longitude and 130 58' 59.959'' to 140 1' 3.722''N latitude in Tumkur district of Karnataka. Arc GIS software was used in evaluation of basemapand morphological characteristics in micro watershed. The present study reveals that drainage pattern was dendritic with trunk order 4.00. The area, maximum length and width of the micro-watershed are 503.00 ha, 4.40 km and 2.20 km, respectively. The mean value of bifurcation ratio was 2.50, it indicates micro-watershed has been suffered less structural disturbance. The value of drainage density is 0.851 km which indicated that, the region is having permeable subsoil material. The value of form factor indicates micro-watershed is approaching towards elongated shape of watershed. The study was used to estimate runoff and basemap was prepared. The estimated runoff available to use is 72.90 mm for annual rainfall of 774.50 mm. The recharge factor found to be 7.00 % and utilizable groundwater is 41.70 mm (70.00 % of 59.60 mm recharge estimated). The total available water resource combining the soil moisture storage and utilizable runoff plus recharge is 256.00 mm. Currently about 19.40 % of the utilizable runoff is being used and 9.00 % of runoff excess is promoting by harvesting and conservation structures.EnglishQUANTIFICATION OF RUNOFF AND IDENTIFICATION OF SUITABLE SITES FOR RAINWATER HARVESTING BY USING GEOSPATIAL TECHNIQUES IN HALAYAPURA MICRO-WATERSHED OF TUMKUR DISTRICTThesis