Chopra, C.S.Sabbu, Sangeeta2016-06-102016-06-102014-07 present investigation was carried out in the Department of Food Science & Technology, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture &Technology, Pantnagar, U.S. Nagar(Uttarakhand) during the year 2011-14. Litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) is a very delicate fruit and highly perishable in nature. The major problem that reduces market value of fruits is development of brown color in pericarp within 24h or so. The objective of present investigation was to add value to arils obtained from low value litchi through exploring its utilization in the development of processed products by employing Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Litchi with brown pericarp had 19.60 g average fruit weight, 0.92 specific gravity, 9.95% peel, 16.89% seed and 73.13% aril content and contained 16.94 TSS, 0.48% acidity, 79.52% moisture, 0.47% pectin 19.63% ascorbic acid and 10.99% total sugar. To optimize ingredients and/or process conditions for making ideal chutney and osmo-air dried litchi. Three Levels Factorial Design and for Bar and Jelly Box Behenken Design were used. For Chutney three levels of sugar (70, 80, and 90%) and three levels of common salt (4, 4.5 and 5%) both on pulp basis and similarly for making Osmo air dried litchi three levels of blanching time (5, 15 and 25 sec) and TSS concentration (55, 65 and 75%) in osmo syrup (aril to syrup ratio 1:1) were used with five central and eight axial points. For making Bar three levels of sugar (25. 37.5, and 50%), citric acid (0.5, 1.25, and 2%) and pectin (0.5, 1, and 1.5%) on the pulp basis were employed with five central and twelve axial points. To obtain ideal pectin extract suitable for making jelly three levels of water (20, 35, and 50%), citric acid (0.2, 0.35, and 0.5%) both on aril basis and boiling time (3, 7.5 and 12 min) with five central and twelve axial points were used and it was found that optimum conditions were 50% water, 0.33% citric acid and 7.2 min boiling time. Three levels of sugar 60, 80 and 100%), citric acid (0, 0.1 and 0.2%) and pectin (1.5, 2.5 and 3.5%) on extract basis with five central and 12 axial points were employed to optimize recipe for making Jelly. Results revealed that 90% sugar and 4% salt; 50% sugar, 0.8% citric acid and 1.5% pectin on pulp basis; and 60% sugar and 2.75% pectin on extract basis were optimum for making Chutney, Bar, and Jelly, respectively. Pre blanching of arils for 7.2 min in boiling water followed by steeping in sugar syrup (75% TSS) and then air drying produced ideal quality Osmo air dried litchi. Storage studies of products made by RSM optimized recipes indicted that the Osmo-air dried litchi, Bar and Jelly were found acceptable upto eight months of ambient storage while Chutney was acceptable upto 10 months.enfood processing, food products, litchis, fruits, pericarp, browning, food industry, quality controls, response surface methodology, litchi chinensisDevelopment of processed products from litchi fruits affected with pericarp browningThesis