Das, ArpanaSARMAH, SANGEETA2018-11-222018-11-222017-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810084226The present study was conducted for performance evaluation of certain traits of growth and reproduction in Sirohi goats as well as to study the expression profile of GDF 9 gene related to prolificacy in Sirohi and Assam Hill goats. Data on 250 Sirohi goats for the study of growth and morphometric traits and 310 Sirohi goats for the study of reproductive traits maintained at the Sheep and Goat Breeding Farm, Silonijan, Karbi Anglong , Assam were utilized for the study. The least square means for body weight, body length, heart girth and height at wither were 2.500±0.012 kg, 25.060±0.135 cm, 25.988±0.172 cm and 25.846±0.181cm at birth; 5.607±0.041kg, 41.442±0.232 cm, 45.378±0.391cm, 41.750±0.248 cm at 3 month; 11.734±0.107 kg, 50.527±0.220 cm, 55.390±0.368 cm and 51.915±0.290 cm at 6 month; 16.778±0.177 kg, 60.864±0.212 cm, 62.978±0.323 cm and 62.173±0.272 cm in 9 month; 22.864±0.196 kg, 71.107±0.217 cm, 71.613±0.227 cm and 71.851±0.239 cm at 12 month of age respectively. Parity and period of birth exerted significant (P<0.01) effect on body length, heart girth and height at wither 12 month of age. Season of birth had significant effect (P<0.01) on body weight, body length, heart girth and height at wither. Body weight, body length and heart girth also differed significantly (P<0.01) due to kidding type and single born kids had higher values than the twins. Significant effect of sex was observed on body weight, body length, heart girth and height at wither at all age groups. The male goats were superior to the females in respect of all these traits. The least square means for age at first kidding, gestation period, service period and interkidding period pertaining to first parity were 701.710±2.267 days, 148.895±0.321 days, 195.545 ±1.513 days and 343.898±1.584 days, respectively. The overall mean for gestation period, service period and interkidding period pertaining to all parities were 147.800±0.429 days, 188.553±1.201 days and 336.662±1.102 days, respectively. Period of kidding exerted significant effect on age at first kidding, service period and interkidding period. Kidding order also exerted significant effect on service period and interkidding period and lowest values were obtained in 5th parity. The growth pattern of Sirohi goats from birth to one year of age was found to be little slower from birth to 3 month, faster from 3 to 6 month, again slower from 6 to 9 month and then accelerated from 9 to 12 month of age. Linear and multiple regression equations were developed for prediction of 1 year body weight from the body weight at birth, 3, 6 and 9 month of age and observed that prediction of 1 year body weight could be done from the body weight at earlier ages. The phenotypic correlations among the body weight at different ages were found to be high and positive. Expression of GDF9 gene in Sirohi and Assam Hill goat did not differ significantly as revealed by paired t-test.ennullSTUDIES ON BODY CONFORMATION, PERFORMANCE AND EXPRESSION OF CERTAIN GENES RELATED TO PROLIFICACY IN SIROHI GOATS UNDER FARM CONDITION IN ASSAMThesis