Seema RaniPreeti Singh2018-05-172018-05-172011 study” Impact assessment of Information and Communication Technologies in rural Haryana” was conducted on a sample of 100 male and 100 female respondents drawn from four villages of Hisar district revealed that that cent per cent of male respondents’ family possessed television sets followed by mobile, newspaper, interne, telephone, magazine, radio and computer, respectively. Regarding possession of ICTs by female respondents’ family it was found that cent per cent possessed television sets, followed by mobile, newspaper, radio, telephone, internet, computer and magazine, respectively. overall access and control of ICTs by the respondents was concerned it was found that majority of male respondents had complete access in case of television (60.00%), mobile (65.00%), newspaper (42.00%), magazine (35.00%), telephone (40.00%), partial access in case of internet (45.00%) and no access in case of radio (42.00%), magazine (35.00%), telephone (50.00%), computer (50.00%), respectively.Majority of female respondents had complete access in case of television (55.00%), partial access in case of newspaper (43.00%), mobile (45.00%) and no access in case of radio (48.00%), magazine (65.00%), computer (60.00%) and internet (55.00%), respectively. Regarding control on use of ICTs it was found that majority of male respondents had complete control in case of television (78.00%), newspaper (50.00%), telephone (50.00%), mobile (40.00%), computer (50.00%) and internet (40.00%) whereas no control in case of radio (48.27%) and magazine (53.85%), respectively. Majority of female respondents had complete control in case of television (82.00%), newspaper (42.00%), computer (40.00%), internet (35.00%), no control in case of radio (51.93%), magazine (57.15%), telephone (50.00% and mobile (77.27%), respectively. Regarding information need seeking behaviour of respondents it was found that majority of respondents were seeking health and educational information for needs related with personal, social welfare and general awareness while entertainment, leisure activities and spiritual growth for social needs. Regarding agriculture it was found that need for seeking information as mainly for good harvest, farming and health of animal while entrepreneurial activities include financial management, profit making and income generation. Further majority of respondents seek political information for awareness of political activities. Regarding association of socio-economic variables of male and female respondents with access to ICTs there as significant association of age with access of radio, education, newspaper and mobile. Similarly there was significant association of occupation with access of telephone. Overall impact of ICTs shows that mobile, television and newspaper were the ICTs which had high impact on life of male respondents followed by telephone and computer/ internet which had moderate impact. Radio and magazine had low impact on life of male respondents. Overall impact of ICTs on female respondents revealed that television and mobile were the ICTs which had high impact on life of female respondents while newspaper, telephone and computer/internet which had moderate impact on life of female respondents. Radio and magazine which had low impact on life of female respondents. Association of independent and dependent variables shows that significant association of age, education and occupation was found with access to radio, newspaper, mobile and telephone, computer, internet and magazine, respectively. Significant association of age and education was found with control of computer, magazine mobile, internet, newspaper, magazine and television. Significant association of complete access with impact of television newspaper, magazine, mobile, computer and internet was found whereas complete control on use and selling and purchase of ICTs was significantly associated with television, mobile, internet newspaper and magazine while attributes associated with partial control on use and selling and purchase of ICTs were newspaper, magazine, television and mobile, respectively.Main constraints in use of ICTs were economic dependency, lack of decision making ability, lack of control on use of ICTs and lack of power supply.ennullImpact assessment of information and communication technologies in rural HaryanaThesis