B. S. NANDIHALLIGIRISHA, R. C.2019-06-102019-06-102006-12-30TH-8312http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810107881Investigations on coconut perianth mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer, with respect to surveillance, screening of varieties, different types of sprayers and efficacy of neem products along with soil amendments in the management were carried at the new orchard. Department of Horticulture, UAS, Dharwad and farmers' field near Dharwad during 2004- 05. Surveillance of eriophyid mite on coconut palms indicated that the mite population occurred throughout the year with variation during different seasons of the year. The mite population was high during April-May, 2005. It started declining with the onset of rains during first fortnight of July-2005. The extent of damage due to mite was more than 54% falling in the damage grade of III. Among the different varieties, Gangabondam recorded least numbers of mites and eggs population and also least damage grade and percentage of damaged nuts with highest percentage of healthy nuts. Among different types of sprayers, hand sprayer, foot sprayer provided with trigger valve at proximal part of DHP and supported with bamboo stick and foot sprayer provided with only bamboo stick to DHP were the most effective in reducing mite population and recorded relatively less damaged nuts and damage grade. Foot sprayer provided with trigger valve at proximal part of DHP and supported with bamboo stick and foot sprayer provided with only bamboo stick supported to DHP require less time with minimum labour requirement and cost of dicofol and labour charges.ennullMANAGEMENT OF THE COCONUT PERIANTH MITE, Aceria guerreronis Keifer USING SPRAYERS AND NEEM PRODUCTS ALONG WITH SOIL AMENDMENTSMANAGEMENT OF THE COCONUT PERIANTH MITE, Aceria guerreronis Keifer USING SPRAYERS AND NEEM PRODUCTS ALONG WITH SOIL AMENDMENTSThesis