Pandey, R. N.Goyal, Satish Kumar2018-07-022018-07-021986 the adoption of capital intensive new farm technology by the agriculturists, the demand for production as well as investment credit has increased manifold. The majority of farmers do not. have sufficient owned funds to adopt the New farm technology. Also, the farmers get income during a limited Period while their expenses are spread through out the year. Therefore, they Have to depend upon the borrowed funds from one source or the other to meet the additional demand for capital for acquisition of crucial inputs sue h as improved seeds, fertilizers, insecticides-pesticides, creation of irrigation facilities, better farm machinery and implements etc, So, today credit has become the heart of the new strategy for increasing the agricultural production.enAgricultural EconomicsAn Analysis of Overdues in Primary Agricultural Co-Operative Credit and Service Societies in Hisar District of Haryana StateThesis